Lao Mu seo Ask enterprises to face SEM Bidding and SEO How to choose ? Or both ?

With the rapid development of the Internet , Enterprises want to improve marketing effect , Improve the search engine ranking of enterprises , It's doing SEO Or bidding ? At the same time, what should we pay attention to , Lao Mu seo Today we will discuss it together :
Dynamic black notes One , The difference between the two 1, What is bidding promotion
Bidding promotion is the product of the enterprise , Services are promoted on the search engine platform in the form of keywords , By optimizing the promotion account, we can get a higher ranking in the search results , It is a new and mature network promotion method based on effect payment .
2, What is? SEO
SEO It's search engine optimization , Is a kind of search rules using search engine , Adjust and optimize the website both internally and externally , Improve the natural ranking of keywords in search engines , Get more traffic , So as to achieve the expected goal of website construction and brand exposure .
Two , How to choose between the two SEO And bidding promotion , There is no absolute advantage or disadvantage , Can only say which is more suitable for their own needs , Let's compare the advantages of the two : 1, Competitive promotion advantages l
Quick results .SEO The effect of optimization is uncertain , Spending a lot of time and energy may not have much effect in the end . But the effect of bidding ranking is immediate , After paying, you can immediately arrange to the home page . l
Accurate flow .SEO Optimization is for the whole network users , It's a kind of “ Universal casting of nets ” The way . The bidding ranking can choose different user dimensions ( Including gender , Age , Regions, etc ) Promotion , Strong pertinence . l
Budget controllable . Promotion through bidding , Enterprises can control the promotion cost by themselves , And can analyze the click situation , It is convenient to measure the promotion effect . 2,SEO advantage l
Avoid malicious Click . Bidding promotion is the product of the enterprise , Services are promoted through keywords on Baidu search engine platform , And according to the number of hits in the form of advertising . This will inevitably encounter the situation of malicious click , And through SEO There is no need to worry about upgrading the rankings .
l Improve your ranking .SEO Optimization is generally suitable for all kinds of search engines , We have done a good job of the website SEO, Can be in the promotion website in each search engine rank , Will bring more visitors . l
Enhance brand image .SEO Optimization is more than just ranking , It is in the process of implementation , It will include publishing positive corporate descriptions and comments on various social media , Will enhance the overall brand image of the enterprise . l
Long term effects .SEO What is optimized and promoted is the overall composite index of the website , Once the ranking goes up , In the later stage, as long as the normal maintenance can maintain their own ranking , Once the bidding advertisement is paid, it stops , Website links will disappear immediately .
SEO Optimization and bidding promotion have their own advantages and disadvantages , For enterprises with sufficient funds , Naturally, both can be done . however , We need to think about more than just profitability , What is more important is whether the input and output match , And the company's development strategy , Prospects and so on , This kind of time needs to be grasped concretely .
Dynamic black notes
Enterprises can analyze data according to professional keywords , For words with high conversion rate , Targeted increase of bidding input , At the beginning , You can choose a wide range of keywords , After the analysis of the statistical report , For high consumption keywords, it is necessary to do accurate matching , At the same time, the word "no" is applied to a wide range of unrelated words . That is, high conversion words do bidding promotion .
But search terms are not fixed , Companies don't want to miss consumers who search for other words , It can be done through SEO Methods make these long tail words , Although the conversion rate is low , But it doesn't cost money , As long as it can bring customers, it can bring benefits to the enterprise .
There is no best solution , There is only the most appropriate solution . Managers should serve their own situation according to the product , And a lot of data analysis , Choose bidding or bidding SEO.
