SELECT substring_index(data_value, ' Organization type ', 1),data_value  FROM `test` where
data_value like '% Organization type %';
SELECT CONCAT(" Organization type ",substring_index(data_value, ' Organization type ', -1)
),data_value  FROM `test` where data_value like '% Organization type %';

update test set valus_desc=substring_index(data_value, ' Organization type ', 1)   where
data_value like '% Organization type %';
update test set remarks= CONCAT(" Organization type ",substring_index(data_value, '
Organization type ', -1) )   where data_value like '% Organization type %';



SELECT SUBSTR(substring_index(data_value, '《 The People's Republic of China ', 1),8,16)  ,data_value
 FROM `test` where data_value like '%《 The People's Republic of China %';
SELECT CONCAT(" Administrative division code of the people's Republic of China ",substring_index(data_value, '《 The People's Republic of China ', -1)
),data_value  FROM `test` where data_value like '%《 The People's Republic of China %';
SELECT SUBSTR( CONCAT(" The People's Republic of China ",substring_index(data_value, '《 The People's Republic of China ', -1)
),1,13),data_value  FROM `test` where data_value like '%《 The People's Republic of China %';

update test set valus_desc=SUBSTR(substring_index(data_value, '《 The People's Republic of China ',
1),8,16)     where data_value like '%《 The People's Republic of China %';
update test set remarks= SUBSTR( CONCAT(" The People's Republic of China ",substring_index(data_value,
'《 The People's Republic of China ', -1) ),1,13)    where data_value like '%《 The People's Republic of China %';
