之前在这个帖子中讨论了使用VBA发送Lotus Notes邮件,那个帖子中还有些问题一直没有解决,例如签名。另外之前自己也认为不能使用Lotus

1. 获取当前用户名 Sub GetUserName() Dim aNotes ' 创建NoteSession对象 Set aNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") ' 获取用户名 MsgBox aNotes.UserName Set aNotes =
Nothing End Sub 2. 访问数据库 Sub AccessDataBase() Dim aNotes Dim aDataBase Dim
strTemp As String Set aNotes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") ' 获取当前数据库 Set
aDataBase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE ' 获取服务器上指定数据库 'Set aDataBase =
aNotes.GetDatabase("server/subfolder", "mail/yourname") ' 获取本地联系人数据库 'Set
aDataBase = aNotes.GetDatabase("", "names") ' 获取本地数据库 'Set aDataBase =
aNotes.GetDataBase("", "c:\work\temp.nsf") strTemp = "共有邮件:" &
aDataBase.AllDocuments.Count strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "数据库标题:" &
aDataBase.Title strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "数据库文件:" & aDataBase.Filename
strTemp = strTemp & vbCrLf & "数据库" & IIf(aDataBase.IsOpen, "已打开", "未打开") MsgBox
strTemp Set aNotes = Nothing Set aDataBase = Nothing Set aDocument = Nothing
End Sub 3. 判断数据库是否打开 Sub OpenDataBase() Dim aNotes Dim aDataBase Dim strTemp As
String Set aNotes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDataBase =
aNotes.GetDataBase("", "") If aDataBase.IsOpen Then MsgBox "Is Open" Else
MsgBox "Not Open" End If aDataBase.Open "", "c:\work\temp.nsf" If
aDataBase.IsOpen Then MsgBox aDataBase.Title & "已打开", , aDataBase.Filename Else
MsgBox "未打开", , aDataBase.Filename End If Set aNotes = Nothing Set aDataBase =
Nothing End Sub 这种打开方式只是用来提供后续操作,并不是表示在Notes窗口中打开该数据库。 4.
使用UIWorkspace对象打开指定数据库 Sub AccessUI() Dim aNotesUI Set aNotesUI =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace") Call aNotesUI.OpenDataBase("",
"c:\work\temp.nsf") Set aNotesUI = Nothing End Sub
使用UIWorkspace对象则可以在Notes窗口中打开指定数据库。 5. 根据模板创建本地邮件数据库 Sub CreateMailDatabase()
Dim aNotes Dim aDataBase Dim dbTemp Dim strTemp As String Set aNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") ' 指定模板文件 Set dbTemp = aNotes.GetDataBase("",
"mail6.ntf") ' 第一个参数指定服务器名称,如果为空表示生成本地数据库 ' 第二个参数表示数据库文件名称 ' 第三个参数表示是否继承未来的设计变化
Set aDataBase = dbTemp.CREATEFROMTEMPLATE("", "TestDB", True) aDataBase.Title =
"Just Test" Set aNotes = Nothing Set dbTemp = Nothing Set aDataBase = Nothing
End Sub 这样创建的数据库并没有添加到Notes的Workspace中,但在C:\Program
Files\Lotus\Notes\Data目录下生成TestDB.nsf数据库文件。 6. 连接UIDocument和Document Sub
ConnectUIandDoc() Dim workspace As Object Dim uidoc As Object Dim doc As Object
Dim db As Object Set workspace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace") '
设置uidoc为NotesUIDocument对象 Set uidoc = workspace.CURRENTDOCUMENT '
将NotesUIDocument对象赋给NotesDocument对象 Set doc = uidoc.DOCUMENT Set db =
doc.PARENTDATABASE MsgBox "Parent database: " & db.Title Set db = Nothing Set
doc = Nothing Set uidoc = Nothing Set workspace = Nothing End Sub 7.
列出当前数据库中所有的文档(默认打开邮件数据库,列出所有邮件)。 Sub ListAllDocument() Dim aNotes Dim aDataBase
Dim aDC Dim aDoc Dim i As Integer Set aNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDataBase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set
aDC = aDataBase.AllDocuments Debug.Print aDC.Count ' 所有文档总数 Set aDoc =
aDC.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT ' 获取第一个邮件 i = 1 While Not (aDoc Is Nothing) Cells(i, 1) =
aDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("From").text ' 发件人 Cells(i, 2) =
aDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("Subject").text ' 标题 i = i + 1 Set aDoc =
aDC.GetNextDocument(aDoc) ' 获取下一个邮件 Wend Set aNotes = Nothing Set aDataBase =
Nothing Set aDC = Nothing Set aDoc = Nothing End Sub 8. 列出收件箱中所有的邮件 Sub
ListInboxDocument() Dim aNotes Dim aDataBase Dim aView Dim aDoc Dim i As
Integer Set aNotes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDataBase =
aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set aView = aDataBase.getview("($Inbox)") ' 获取收件箱
Debug.Print aView.ALLENTRIES.Count ' 所有文档总数 Set aDoc = aView.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT i
= 1 While Not (aDoc Is Nothing) Cells(i, 1) = aDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("From").text
Cells(i, 2) = aDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("Subject").text i = i + 1 Set aDoc =
aView.GetNextDocument(aDoc) Wend Set aNotes = Nothing Set aDataBase = Nothing
Set aView = Nothing Set aDoc = Nothing End Sub 可以使用Set aView =
aDataBase.getview("($Sent)")获得发件箱。 9. 列出当前数据库中所有的视图 Sub GetAllViews() Dim
aNotes Dim aDataBase Dim aView Dim j As Integer Set aNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDataBase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE j = 1
For Each aView In aDataBase.views Cells(j, 1) = aView.Name Cells(j, 2) =
aView.IsFolder j = j + 1 Next Set aNotes = Nothing Set aDataBase = Nothing Set
aView = Nothing End Sub 如果是邮件数据库可以列出诸如收件箱、发件箱、草稿箱和垃圾箱等等视图的名称。 10.
列出指定文档的所有Item。 Sub ListDocItems() Dim aNotes Dim aDataBase Dim aDocument Dim
aView Dim aItem Dim i Set aNotes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set
aDataBase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set aView = aDataBase.getview("($Inbox)") If
(aView Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Inbox view don't exist!" Else Set aDocument =
aView.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT i = 1 For Each aItem In aDocument.Items Cells(i, 1) =
aItem.Type Cells(i, 2) = aItem.Name Cells(i, 3) = aItem.text i = i + 1 Next End
If Set aNotes = Nothing Set aDataBase = Nothing Set aView = Nothing Set
aDocument = Nothing Set aItem = Nothing End Sub
这些Item构成一个文档或者说一个邮件,这些Item的内容也可以使用类似aDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("From").Text的方法来获取。 11.
列出邮件正文中的所有嵌入对象,包括Excel工作表、附件等。(正文中嵌入的图片不知道怎么获得) Sub ListItemofBody() Dim aNotes
Dim aDataBase Dim aDocument Dim aView Dim aItem Dim oEmb Set aNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDataBase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set
aView = aDataBase.getview("($Inbox)") If (aView Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Inbox
view don't exist!" Else ' 本例中只列出第一个邮件的嵌入对象 Set aDocument =
aView.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT Set rtItem = aDocument.GETFIRSTITEM("Body") Debug.Print
rtItem.text If (rtItem.Type = 1) Then For Each oEmb In rtItem.EmbeddedObjects
Debug.Print oEmb.Type & " " & oEmb.Name Next End If End If Set aNotes = Nothing
Set aDataBase = Nothing Set aView = Nothing Set aDocument = Nothing Set aItem =
Nothing End Sub 其中嵌入对象的类型包括: EMBED_ATTACHMENT (1454) EMBED_OBJECT (1453)
EMBED_OBJECTLINK (1452) 12. 搜索指定条件邮件 Sub SearchDocument() Dim aNotes Dim
aDatabase Dim aDC Dim aDoc Dim i As Integer Dim dt Set aNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDatabase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE '
指定日期 Set dt = aNotes.CREATEDATETIME("03/03/10") Set aDC =
aDatabase.Search("@Contains(Subject;""FW"")", dt, 0) 'Set aDC =
aDatabase.Search("@Contains(Subject;""FW"")", Nothing, 0) Set aDoc =
aDC.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT() i = 1 While Not (aDoc Is Nothing) Cells(i, 1) =
aDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("From").text Cells(i, 2) = aDoc.GETFIRSTITEM("Subject").text
i = i + 1 Set aDoc = aDC.GetNextDocument(aDoc) Wend Set aNotes = Nothing Set
aDatabase = Nothing Set aDC = Nothing Set aDoc = Nothing Set dt = Nothing End
Sub aDatabase.Search("@Contains(Subject;""FW"")", dt,
0)表示搜索数据库中从dt所表示的日期开始的主题包含“FW"字符串的邮件。 语法: Set notesDocumentCollection =
notesDatabase.Search( formula$, notesDateTime, maxDocs% )
参数formula$:使用@function公式定义搜索条件; 参数notesDateTime:开始时间,如果设置Nothing则表示没有开始时间。
参数mxDocs%:返回的最大邮件数。设为0时表示匹配所有邮件。 13. 下载附件 Sub GetAttachement() Dim aNotes Dim
aDataBase Dim aDocument Dim aView Dim rtItem Dim oEmb Set aNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDataBase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set
aView = aDataBase.getview("($Inbox)") If (aView Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "Inbox
view don't exist!" Else ' 本例只是处理第一个邮件 Set aDocument = aView.GETFIRSTDOCUMENT
Debug.Print aDocument.GETFIRSTITEM("From").text ' 发送者 Debug.Print
aDocument.GETFIRSTITEM("Subject").text ' 主题 Debug.Print
aDocument.GETFIRSTITEM("posteddate").text ' 发送时间 Set rtItem =
aDocument.GETFIRSTITEM("Body") If (rtItem.Type = 1) Then For Each oEmb In
rtItem.EmbeddedObjects If (oEmb.Type = 1454) Then ' 附件类型 Call
oEmb.ExtractFile("c:\" & oEmb.Source) End If Next End If End If Set aNotes =
Nothing Set aDataBase = Nothing Set aView = Nothing Set aDocument = Nothing End
Sub 14. 设置签名档 Sub SetSignature() Dim aNotes Dim aDataBase Dim aProf Set aNotes
= CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDataBase = aNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set
aProf = aDataBase.GetProfileDocument("CalendarProfile") Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("EnableSignature", "1") 'Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("SignatureOption", "1") 'Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("Signature_1", "In god we trust") Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("SignatureOption", "2") Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("Signature_2", "C:\test.jpg") Call
aProf.ComputeWithForm(True, False) Call aProf.Save(True, False) Set aNotes =
Nothing Set aDataBase = Nothing Set aProf = Nothing End Sub
语句aProf.ReplaceItemValue("EnableSignature", "1")表示勾选“Automatically append a
signature to the bottom of my outgoing mail messages"。"0"表示不勾选。 语句Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("SignatureOption", "1")表示勾选“Text”。 语句Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("Signature_1", "In god we trust")表示设置文本签名档内容。 语句Call
aProf.ReplaceItemValue("SignatureOption", "2")表示勾选“HTML or Image File”。 语句Call
"C:\test.jpg")设置HTML或Image文件路径名,也可以使用文本文件。 15. 发送邮件时添加签名档 Sub
SendEmailwithSignature() Dim aNotes Dim aDatabase Dim aDocument Dim strSign As
String Set aNotes = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set aDatabase =
aDatabase.GetProfileDocument("CalendarProfile") _ .GETITEMVALUE("Signature")(0)
Set aDocument = aDatabase.CREATEDOCUMENT aDocument.Subject = "test"
aDocument.SendTo = "[email protected]" aDocument.Form = "Memo" aDocument.Body =
"This is a test to using Signature." & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & strSign
aDocument.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND = True aDocument.PostedDate = Now ' 发送邮件 'Call
aDocument.SEND(False) ' 保存邮件 Call aDocument.Save(True, False) Set aNotes =
Nothing Set aDatabase = Nothing Set aDocument = Nothing End Sub
15. 发送带附件的邮件 Sub SendEmailbyNotesWithAttachement() Dim nNotes As Object Dim
nDatabase As Object Dim nDocument As Object Dim nRTItem As Object Dim aSend As
Variant On Error GoTo errHandle ' 使用数组表示多个接收者 aSend =
VBA.Array("[email protected]", "[email protected]") Set nNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set nDatabase = nNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set
nDocument = nDatabase.CREATEDOCUMENT nDocument.Subject = "Test"
nDocument.SendTo = aSend nDocument.Form = "Memo" nDocument.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND =
True nDocument.PostedDate = Now Set nRTItem =
nDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body") Call nRTItem.AddNewLine(2) Call
nRTItem.AppendText("This is a test mail with a attachement") Call
nRTItem.AddNewLine(1) Call nRTItem.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", "c:\test.txt") Call
nDocument.SEND(False) Set nNotes = Nothing Set nDatabase = Nothing Set
nDocument = Nothing Set nRTItem = Nothing Exit Sub errHandle: Set nNotes =
Nothing Set nDatabase = Nothing Set nDocument = Nothing Set nRTItem = Nothing
MsgBox Err.Description End Sub 如果在Set
nRTItem语句前设置nDocument.Body属性,代码将出错并提示“Rich text item body already
exists”错误。下面的代码将出错。 Set nDocument = nDatabase.CREATEDOCUMENT nDocument.Subject
= "Test" nDocument.SendTo = aSend nDocument.Form = "Memo"
nDocument.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND = True nDocument.PostedDate = Now nDocument.body =
"This is a test using body" Set nRTItem = nDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body")
这时可以修改Set nRTItem语句来创建另外一个名称的RichText Item。如下: Set nDocument =
nDatabase.CREATEDOCUMENT nDocument.Subject = "Test" nDocument.SendTo = aSend
nDocument.Form = "Memo" nDocument.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND = True nDocument.PostedDate
= Now nDocument.body = "This is a test using body" Set nRTItem =
nDocument.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Body1") 但是这样的结果是RichText
Item中AppendText的内容不能显示,仅能显示附件。 也可以将Set nRTItem语句移动到前面,如下: Set nDocument =
nDocument.Subject = "Test" nDocument.SendTo = aSend nDocument.Form = "Memo"
nDocument.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND = True nDocument.PostedDate = Now nDocument.body =
"This is a test using body" 代码仍能运行,同上例一样RichText Item中AppendText的内容不能显示,仅能显示附件。
Item(现在是第1个了)的附件。所以建议不要使用相同名称的Item。 17. 选择工作表范围发送邮件 Sub SendRange() Dim nNotes
As Object Dim nDatabase As Object Dim nDocument As Object Dim aSend As Variant
Dim rngSel As Range Dim doClip As DataObject Set rngSel =
Application.InputBox("请选择工作表范围:", "选择", , , , , , 8) If rngSel Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub ' 复制单元格内容到剪贴板 rngSel.Copy Set doClip = New DataObject
doClip.GetFromClipboard Application.CutCopyMode = False On Error GoTo errHandle
aSend = VBA.Array("[email protected]", "[email protected]") Set nNotes =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") Set nDatabase = nNotes.CURRENTDATABASE Set
nDocument = nDatabase.CREATEDOCUMENT nDocument.Subject = "Test"
nDocument.SendTo = aSend nDocument.Form = "Memo" nDocument.body = "This is test
which include a range selection from Excel" & vbCrLf & doClip.GetText
nDocument.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND = True nDocument.PostedDate = Now Call
nDocument.SEND(False) Set nNotes = Nothing Set nDatabase = Nothing Set
nDocument = Nothing Set dtClip = Nothing Exit Sub errHandle: Set nNotes =
Nothing Set nDatabase = Nothing Set nDocument = Nothing Set dtClip = Nothing
MsgBox Err.Description End Sub 18. 将选择内容以图片方式发送 Sub SendFormatData() Dim
aNotesUI Dim aDocUI Dim strTo As String Dim strCC As String Dim strSub As
String Dim strBody As String Dim rngSel As Range Set rngSel =
Application.InputBox("请选择工作表范围:", "选择", , , , , , 8) If rngSel Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub rngSel.Copy Set aNotesUI = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace") Set
aDocUI = aNotesUI.COMPOSEDOCUMENT("", "c:\work\temp.nsf", "Memo") Set aDocUI =
aNotesUI.CURRENTDOCUMENT strTo = "[email protected]" strCC = "[email protected]" strSub
= "test" strBody = "Here is a test with picture from Excel" ' 设置Field的内容 Call
aDocUI.FIELDSETTEXT("EnterSendTo", strTo) ' 收件人 Call
aDocUI.FIELDSETTEXT("EnterCopyTo", strCC) ' CC Call
aDocUI.FIELDSETTEXT("Subject", strSub) ' 主题 ' 添加正文内容 Call
aDocUI.FIELDAPPENDTEXT("Body", vbCrLf & strBody & vbCrLf) ' 将选择的内容复制到正文中 Call
aDocUI.GOTOFIELD("Body") Call aDocUI.Paste ' 保存邮件 Call aDocUI.Save ' 发送邮件 'Call
aDocUI.Send(True) Application.CutCopyMode = False Set aDocUI = Nothing Set
aNotesUI = Nothing Set rngSel = Nothing End Sub
FieldAppendText方法是在文档中指定的Field上添加内容,而不去除已有内容。 如果复制图表的话,可以将 Set rngSel =
Application.InputBox("请选择工作表范围:", "选择", , , , , , 8) If rngSel Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub rngSel.Copy 修改成: If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
ActiveChart.CopyPicture xlScreen, xlPicture, xlScreen
如果复制工作表中插入的图片的话,修改代码为(其中Shape需自己更改)为: ActiveSheet.Shapes(2).Select
Lotus Notes Send EMail from VB or VBA This ORIGINAL piece of code shows you
how to mail direct from VBA or VB into lotus notes. Requires Lotus Notes Client
4.5.x or later is installed on your system. As far as I can tell the Lotus
Notes objects all have to be late bound otherwise you get errors. I have never
found out the reason for this (the only thing I can think of is there is an
error in the lotus notes api). Feel free to use this code,but if you do use
it,please put a link from your site if you have one. Don't as many people have
done blantantly rip it off and call it your own. I'm watching you and it's
going to bite. Point of note. Certain versions of 4.x client handle
differently. If you get an error on the line MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM
("Attachment"),then try removing that line. In later versions of notes API this
task is carried out by the previous line. Earlier versions required the call
afterwards. Can't seem to fathom out the reason for that. 'Public Sub
SendNotesMail(Subject as string,attachment as string, 'recipient as
string,bodytext as string,saveit as Boolean) 'This public sub will send a mail
and attachment if neccessary to the 'recipient including the body text.
'Requires that notes client is installed on the system. Public Sub
SendNotesMail(Subject As String,Attachment As String,Recipient As
String,BodyText As String,SaveIt As Boolean) 'Set up the objects required for
Automation into lotus notes Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database Dim
UserName As String 'The current users notes name Dim MailDbName As String 'THe
current users notes mail database name Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document
itself Dim AttachME As Object 'The attachment richtextfile object Dim Session
As Object 'The notes session Dim EmbedObj As Object 'The embedded object
(Attachment) 'Start a session to notes Set Session =
CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession") 'Next line only works with 5.x and above.
Replace password with your password Session.Initialize("password") 'Get the
sessions username and then calculate the mail file name 'You may or may not
need this as for MailDBname with some systems you 'can pass an empty string or
using above password you can use other mailboxes. UserName = Session.UserName
MailDbName = Left$(UserName,1) & Right$(UserName,(Len(UserName) -
InStr(1,UserName," "))) & ".nsf" 'Open the mail database in notes Set Maildb =
Session.GETDATABASE("",MailDbName) If Maildb.ISOPEN = True Then 'Already open
for mail Else Maildb.OPENMAIL End If 'Set up the new mail document Set MailDoc
= Maildb.CREATEDOCUMENT MailDoc.Form = "Memo" MailDoc.sendto = Recipient
MailDoc.Subject = Subject MailDoc.Body = BodyText MailDoc.SAVEMESSAGEONSEND =
SaveIt 'Set up the embedded object and attachment and attach it If Attachment
<> "" Then Set AttachME = MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM("Attachment") Set EmbedObj
= AttachME.EMBEDOBJECT(1454,"",Attachment,"Attachment")
MailDoc.CREATERICHTEXTITEM ("Attachment") End If 'Send the document
MailDoc.PostedDate=Now() 'Gets the mail to appear in the sent items folder
MailDoc.SEND 0,Recipient 'Clean Up Set Maildb = Nothing Set MailDoc = Nothing
Set AttachME = Nothing Set Session = Nothing Set EmbedObj = Nothing End Sub If
you want to send a message to more than one person or copy or blind carbon copy
the following may be of use to you. MailDoc.sendto = Recipient MailDoc.CopyTo =
ccRecipient MailDoc.BlindCopyTo = bccRecipient Also for multiple email
addresses you just set MailDoc.sendto to an array of variants each of which
will receive the message. So Dim recip(25) as variant recip(0) =
"emailaddress1" recip(1) = "emailaddress2" e.t.c maildoc.sendto = recip Thanks
must go out to Mark Austin,Long Beach,California assisted by the great folks at
www.deja.com & www.notes.net for his help in finding the way to get the mailto
appear in the sent items folder and his array method of sending the mail to
more than one person.

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