#include <stdio.h> int main() { char str[256]; scanf("%s",str); int a,b,c;
for(int m=0;m<=254;m++) { if(str[m]=='L'&str[m+1]=='E'&str[m+2]=='D') return
printf("LED亮"); } }
if(strstr((const char *)str,"LED"))//判断参数二是否是1的子串 { LED1_TOGGLE;//LED1状态翻转翻转 }
/* 包含头文件 ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "stm32f10x.h" #include "usartx.h" #include "led.h" #include <string.h>
uint8_t Rxflag=0; uint8_t ucTemp; int main(void) { uint8_t ucaRxBuf[256];
uint16_t usRxCount; LED_GPIO_Init(); /* USART 配置模式为 115200 8-N-1,中断接收 */
USARTx_Init(); Usart_SendString("这是一个串口中断接收回显实验\n");
Usart_SendString("输入数据并以回车键结束\n"); /* 简单的通信协议,遇到回车换行符认为1个命令帧 */ usRxCount = 0;
/* 无限循环 */ while (1) { if(Rxflag) { if (usRxCount <
sizeof(ucaRxBuf))//sizeof为占用空间字节数关键字 { ucaRxBuf[usRxCount++] = ucTemp; } else {
usRxCount = 0; } /* 遇到换行字符,认为接收到一个命令 */ if (ucTemp == 0x0A) /* 换行字符 */ { //
Usart_SendStr_length(ucaRxBuf,usRxCount);//串口发送字符串 // usRxCount = 0; unsigned
char str[256]; for(unsigned int m=0;m<sizeof (ucaRxBuf);m++) {
str[m]=ucaRxBuf[m]; } for(int m=0;m<=254;m++) { if(strstr((const char
*)str,"LED"))//判断参数二是否是1的子串 { LED1_TOGGLE;//LED1状态翻转翻转 } else {
Usart_SendStr_length(ucaRxBuf,usRxCount);//如果没有LEd,输出输入字符串 } } usRxCount = 0; }
Rxflag=0; } } }
/* STM32F10x Peripherals Interrupt Handlers */ /* Add here the Interrupt
Handler for the used peripheral(s) (PPP), for the */ /* available peripheral
interrupt handler's name please refer to the startup */ /* file
(startup_stm32f10x_xx.s). */
//外设中断处理函数 void USARTx_IRQHANDLER(void) { if(USART_GetITStatus(USARTx,
USART_IT_RXNE) != RESET)//判断中断函数是否置位 { Rxflag=1; ucTemp =
USART_ReceiveData(USARTx);//串口接收数据函数,一次一字节 } }