System number :BS-GX-020
Background technology :Spring+Springmvvc+mybatis+shiro
front-end technology :Bootstrap+jquery+ajax
Page development :JSP
development tool :IDEA or Eclipse
database :mysql5
application server :tomcat8
JAVA edition :jdk1.8
explain : This system is based on SSM Developed from framework , Complete system functions , Simple and elegant interface , Correct operation , Suitable for graduation design .
The system has three roles :
1, Administrator role : Can manage courses , Managing Teachers , Managing students , Personal information management, etc
2, Teacher role : Can manage course selection grades , Grade my elective courses , Personal information management, etc
3, Student role : You can choose courses , Drop out , View course selection information , Course selection results , Personal information management, etc
The system functions are demonstrated as follows :
Administrator login :
course management :
Add course : Assign teachers
Student management :
Teacher management :
Reset other account passwords :
Password modification :
Teacher login :
Grade students who choose courses
Student login :
Selected courses : Show selected open classes ( Didn't score )
Courses taken : Show selected and closed classes ( Scored )
The above is based on SSM Display of some functions of educational administration management system , This project is suitable for JAVA Language aspect Graduation design system using .