<> Front end face of MIHA tour school recruitment (2020.10.13)
<> Interview platform
<> duration
about 60 minute
<> process
* Internship related
* rem
* flex
* webpack loader plugin Differences between
* css-loader,style-loader
* Box model
* ES6 What is special about the arrow function in
* JS Event cycle mechanism
* What are macro tasks
* setTimeout Execution in browser
* instanceof
* How to determine whether it is the constructor of an instance
* JS inherit
* Handwriting JS Main code of composite inheritance
* Some problems of combinatorial inheritance
* Cross domain access
* cors Configuration required by the front end in the cross domain process
* Simple and complex requests
* post Do you have to ask twice
* Status code 301,302
* ( Knock code ) Flatten, sort and de duplicate 3D arrays [1,11,[2,[4,3],‘a’],‘8’,2] result :[1,2,3,4,8,11]
* react Life cycle of , English name
* shouldComponentUpdate effect , How to optimize performance
* react Component transmission parameters
* react router And browser router difference