from Linux Server downloads folder to local
1, use scp command

scp /home/work/source.txt [email protected]:/home/work/
# Put the local source.txt File copy to On the machine /home/work Directory

scp [email protected]:/home/work/source.txt /home/work/
# hold On the machine source.txt File copy to local /home/work Directory

scp [email protected]:/home/work/source.txt [email protected]:/home/work/
# hold On the machine source.txt File copy to Mechanical /home/work Directory

scp -r /home/work/sourcedir [email protected]:/home/work/ # Copy folder , plus -r parameter

2, use xshell tool

use xshell It is very convenient to operate the service , It is also convenient to transfer files .
Is to use rz,sz
first , The server is about to be installed rz,sz
yum install lrzsz
Of course your local windows The host also passes ssh Connected linux The server
function rz, Will windows File to linux The server
function sz filename, Will download the file to windows local

3, common method

Install locally Xshell and Xftp Software , stay xshell There are shortcuts in the software ( Selective utilization Xftp Open current directory )
