Current year : for example :SELECT DATE_FORMAT(NOW(), '%Y');
%M Month name (January……December)
%W Week name (Sunday……Saturday)
%D Date of month with English prefix (1st, 2nd, 3rd, wait .)
%Y year , number , 4 position
%y year , number , 2 position
%a Abbreviated week name (Sun……Sat)
%d Days in month , number (00……31)
%e Days in month , number (0……31)
%m month , number (01……12)
%c month , number (1……12)
%b Abbreviated month name (Jan……Dec)
%j Days in a year (001……366)
%H hour (00……23)
%k hour (0……23)
%h hour (01……12)
%I hour (01……12)
%l hour (1……12)
%i minute , number (00……59)
%r time ,12 hour (hh:mm:ss [AP]M)
%T time ,24 hour (hh:mm:ss)
%S second (00……59)
%s second (00……59)
%p AM or PM
%w Days of the week (0=Sunday ……6=Saturday )
%U week (0……52), Here Sunday is the first day of the week
%u week (0……52), Here Monday is the first day of the week
%% One text “%”.
Before acquisition n Pieces of data
select * from table limit 10; // limit n; Before returning query results n Pieces of data
// Equivalent to
select * from table limit 0,10; //limit offset, n; Return from offset + 1 Started n Pieces of data
SQLserver I won't support it limit keyword , To realize corresponding functions , To be used top keyword .
select top 10 * from table order by id;