The pictures needed for the game are placed at the end, and the pictures needed for the game are taken , The game is divided into three levels , Three types of difficulties: ordinary and simple . The game code is divided into seven categories . I put the pictures needed by the game at the end .

The screenshot of the game is as follows :

The game is divided into three levels

This is a simple level


This is an ordinary level

This is the most difficult level


Step on the thunder and lose directly , In the upper left corner is the number of mines . The upper right corner is the timing function , In the middle is the start button. After failure, click to restore the level and continue to break through the level .

The test class code is as follows , This class is mainly used to run and call other classes .
package com.sxt; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import
java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; public class
GameWin extends JFrame { int wigth = 2 * GameUtil.OFFSET + GameUtil.MAP_W *
GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH; int height = 4 * GameUtil.OFFSET + GameUtil.MAP_H *
GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH; Image offScreenImage = null; MapBottom mapBottom = new
MapBottom(); MapTop mapTop = new MapTop(); GameSelect gameSelect = new
GameSelect(); // Start ,f Not started ,t start boolean begin=false; void launch(){
GameUtil.START_TIME=System.currentTimeMillis(); this.setVisible(true);
if(GameUtil.state==3){ this.setSize(500,500); }else {
this.setSize(wigth,height); } this.setLocationRelativeTo(null);
this.setTitle(" flower ~ Mine sweeping game "); this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); // Mouse event
this.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() { @Override public void
mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) { super.mouseClicked(e); switch (GameUtil.state){
case 0 : if(e.getButton()==1){ GameUtil.MOUSE_X = e.getX(); GameUtil.MOUSE_Y =
e.getY(); GameUtil.LEFT = true; } if(e.getButton()==3) { GameUtil.MOUSE_X =
e.getX(); GameUtil.MOUSE_Y = e.getY(); GameUtil.RIGHT = true; } case 1 : case 2
: if(e.getButton()==1){ if(e.getX()>GameUtil.OFFSET +
GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH*(GameUtil.MAP_W/2) && e.getX()<GameUtil.OFFSET +
GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH*(GameUtil.MAP_W/2) + GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH &&
e.getY()>GameUtil.OFFSET && e.getY()<GameUtil.OFFSET+GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH){
mapBottom.reGame(); mapTop.reGame(); GameUtil.FLAG_NUM=0;
GameUtil.START_TIME=System.currentTimeMillis(); GameUtil.state=0; } }
if(e.getButton()==2){ GameUtil.state=3; begin=true; } break; case 3:
if(e.getButton()==1){ GameUtil.MOUSE_X = e.getX(); GameUtil.MOUSE_Y = e.getY();
begin = gameSelect.hard(); } break; default: } } }); while (true){ repaint();
begin(); try { Thread.sleep(40); } catch (InterruptedException e) {
e.printStackTrace(); } } } void begin(){ if(begin){ begin=false;
gameSelect.hard(GameUtil.level); dispose(); GameWin gameWin = new GameWin();
GameUtil.START_TIME = System.currentTimeMillis(); GameUtil.FLAG_NUM=0;
mapBottom.reGame(); mapTop.reGame(); gameWin.launch(); } } @Override public
void paint(Graphics g) { if(GameUtil.state==3){ g.setColor(Color.white);
g.fillRect(0,0,500,500); gameSelect.paintSelf(g); }else { offScreenImage =
this.createImage(wigth, height); Graphics gImage =
offScreenImage.getGraphics(); // Set background color gImage.setColor(;
gImage.fillRect(0, 0, wigth, height); mapBottom.paintSelf(gImage);
mapTop.paintSelf(gImage); g.drawImage(offScreenImage, 0, 0, null); } } public
static void main(String[] args) { GameWin gameWin = new GameWin();
gameWin.launch(); } }
Game map class
package com.sxt; import java.awt.*; /** * Bottom map * Draw game related components */ public class
MapBottom { BottomRay bottomRay = new BottomRay(); BottomNum bottomNum = new
BottomNum(); { bottomRay.newRay(); bottomNum.newNum(); } // Reset game void reGame(){
for (int i = 1; i <=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <=GameUtil.MAP_H
; j++) { GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[i][j]=0; } } bottomRay.newRay();
bottomNum.newNum(); } // Drawing method void paintSelf(Graphics g){ g.setColor(;
// Draw a vertical line for (int i = 0; i <= GameUtil.MAP_W; i++) { g.drawLine(GameUtil.OFFSET +
i * GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH, 3*GameUtil.OFFSET,
3*GameUtil.OFFSET+GameUtil.MAP_H*GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH); } // Draw a horizontal line for (int i =
0; i <=GameUtil.MAP_H; i++){ g.drawLine(GameUtil.OFFSET,
3*GameUtil.OFFSET+i*GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH); } for (int i = 1; i <=
GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= GameUtil.MAP_H; j++) { // thunder if
(GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[i][j] == -1) { g.drawImage(GameUtil.lei, GameUtil.OFFSET
+ (i - 1) * GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH + 1, GameUtil.OFFSET * 3 + (j - 1) *
- 2, null); } // number if (GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[i][j] >=0) {
g.drawImage(GameUtil.images[GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[i][j]], GameUtil.OFFSET + (i -
1) * GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH + 15, GameUtil.OFFSET * 3 + (j - 1) *
GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH + 5, null); } } } // Draw numbers Residual mine number , count down
GameUtil.drawWord(g,""+(GameUtil.RAY_MAX-GameUtil.FLAG_NUM), GameUtil.OFFSET,
GameUtil.OFFSET + GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH*(GameUtil.MAP_W-1),
2*GameUtil.OFFSET,30,; switch (GameUtil.state){ case 0:
GameUtil.END_TIME=System.currentTimeMillis(); g.drawImage(GameUtil.face,
GameUtil.OFFSET + GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH * (GameUtil.MAP_W/2), GameUtil.OFFSET,
null); break; case 1: g.drawImage(, GameUtil.OFFSET +
GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH * (GameUtil.MAP_W/2), GameUtil.OFFSET, null); break;
case 2: g.drawImage(GameUtil.over, GameUtil.OFFSET + GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH *
(GameUtil.MAP_W/2), GameUtil.OFFSET, null); break; default: } } }
Underlying data class
package com.sxt; /** * Underlying digital class */ public class BottomNum { void newNum() { for
(int i = 1; i <=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <=GameUtil.MAP_H ;
j++) { if(GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[i][j]==-1){ for (int k = i-1; k <=i+1 ; k++) {
for (int l = j-1; l <=j+1 ; l++) { if(GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[k][l]>=0){
GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[k][l]++; } } } } } } } }
Tools are as follows :
package com.sxt; import java.awt.*; /** * Tool class * Storing static parameters * Tool method */ public class
GameUtil { // Number of Mines static int RAY_MAX = 100; // Width of map static int MAP_W = 36;
// Height of map static int MAP_H = 17; // Minefield offset static int OFFSET = 45; // Lattice side length static int
SQUARE_LENGTH = 50; // Number of flags inserted static int FLAG_NUM = 0; // Mouse related // coordinate static int
MOUSE_X; static int MOUSE_Y; // state static boolean LEFT = false; static boolean
RIGHT = false; // Game status 0 Indicates in the game 1 victory 2 fail 3 Difficulty selection static int state = 3; // Game difficulty
static int level; // count down static long START_TIME; static long END_TIME; // Underlying element -1
thunder 0 empty 1-8 Represents the corresponding number static int[][] DATA_BOTTOM = new int[MAP_W+2][MAP_H+2]; // top-level element
-1 No coverage 0 cover 1 Flag insertion 2 Error flag static int[][] DATA_TOP = new int[MAP_W+2][MAP_H+2];
// Load Images static Image lei = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/lei.png");
static Image top = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/top.gif"); static
Image flag = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/flag.gif"); static
Image noflag = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/noflag.png"); static
Image face = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/face.png"); static
Image over = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/over.png"); static
Image win = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/win.png"); static
Image[] images = new Image[9]; static { for (int i = 1; i <=8 ; i++) {
images[i] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imgs/num/"+i+".png"); } }
static void drawWord(Graphics g,String str,int x,int y,int size,Color color){
g.setColor(color); g.setFont(new Font(" Imitation Song Dynasty ",Font.BOLD,size));
g.drawString(str,x,y); } }
Difficulty selection
package com.sxt; import java.awt.*; /** * Difficulty selection */ public class GameSelect {
// Judge whether to click the difficulty boolean hard(){ if(GameUtil.MOUSE_X>100&&GameUtil.MOUSE_X<400){
if(GameUtil.MOUSE_Y>50&&GameUtil.MOUSE_Y<150){ GameUtil.level=1;
GameUtil.state=0; return true; }
if(GameUtil.MOUSE_Y>200&&GameUtil.MOUSE_Y<300){ GameUtil.level=2;
GameUtil.state=0; return true; }
if(GameUtil.MOUSE_Y>350&&GameUtil.MOUSE_Y<450){ GameUtil.level=3;
GameUtil.state=0; return true; } } return false; } void paintSelf(Graphics g){
g.setColor(; g.drawRect(100,50,300,100);
GameUtil.drawWord(g," simple ",220,100,30,; g.drawRect(100,200,300,100);
GameUtil.drawWord(g," ordinary ",220,250,30,; g.drawRect(100,350,300,100);
GameUtil.drawWord(g," difficulty ",220,400,30,; } void hard(int level){
switch (level){ case 1: GameUtil.RAY_MAX = 10; GameUtil.MAP_W = 9;
GameUtil.MAP_H = 9; break; case 2: GameUtil.RAY_MAX = 40; GameUtil.MAP_W = 16;
GameUtil.MAP_H = 16; break; case 3: GameUtil.RAY_MAX = 99; GameUtil.MAP_W = 30;
GameUtil.MAP_H = 16; break; default: } } }
Top level map class :
package com.sxt; import java.awt.*; /** * Top level map class * Draw top-level components * Judgment logic */ public
class MapTop { // Grid position int temp_x; int temp_y; // Reset game void reGame(){ for (int i
= 1; i <=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <=GameUtil.MAP_H ; j++) {
GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]=0; } } } // Judgment logic void logic(){ temp_x=0; temp_y=0;
if(GameUtil.MOUSE_X>GameUtil.OFFSET && GameUtil.MOUSE_Y>3*GameUtil.OFFSET){
temp_x = (GameUtil.MOUSE_X - GameUtil.OFFSET)/GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH+1; temp_y
= (GameUtil.MOUSE_Y - GameUtil.OFFSET * 3)/GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH+1; }
if(temp_x>=1 && temp_x<=GameUtil.MAP_W && temp_y>=1 && temp_y<=GameUtil.MAP_H){
if(GameUtil.LEFT){ // cover , Then open it if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[temp_x][temp_y]==0){
GameUtil.DATA_TOP[temp_x][temp_y]=-1; } spaceOpen(temp_x,temp_y);
GameUtil.LEFT=false; } if(GameUtil.RIGHT){ // Flag if covered
if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[temp_x][temp_y]==0){ GameUtil.DATA_TOP[temp_x][temp_y]=1;
GameUtil.FLAG_NUM++; } // Flag insertion cancels else if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[temp_x][temp_y]==1){
GameUtil.DATA_TOP[temp_x][temp_y]=0; GameUtil.FLAG_NUM--; } else
if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[temp_x][temp_y]==-1){ numOpen(temp_x,temp_y); }
GameUtil.RIGHT=false; } } boom(); victory(); } // Digital Flip void numOpen(int x,int
y){ // Record flag number int count=0; if(GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[x][y]>0){ for (int i = x-1; i
<=x+1 ; i++) { for (int j = y-1; j <=y+1 ; j++) {
if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]==1){ count++; } } }
if(count==GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[x][y]){ for (int i = x-1; i <=x+1 ; i++) { for
(int j = y-1; j <=y+1 ; j++) { if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]!=1){
GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]=-1; } // It must be in the minefield
if(i>=1&&j>=1&&i<=GameUtil.MAP_W&&j<=GameUtil.MAP_H){ spaceOpen(i,j); } } } } }
} // Failure judgment t Indicates failure f Not failed boolean boom(){ if(GameUtil.FLAG_NUM==GameUtil.RAY_MAX){
for (int i = 1; i <=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <=GameUtil.MAP_H
; j++) { if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]==0){ GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]=-1; } } } }
for (int i = 1; i <=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <=GameUtil.MAP_H
; j++) { if(GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[i][j]==-1&&GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]==-1){
GameUtil.state = 2; seeBoom(); return true; } } } return false; } // Failure display void
seeBoom(){ for (int i = 1; i <=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j
<=GameUtil.MAP_H ; j++) { // The bottom is ray , The top floor is not a flag , display
GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]=-1; } // The bottom is not ray , The top floor is the flag , Display error flag
GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]=2; } } } } // Victory judgment t Show victory f No victory boolean victory(){
// Count the number of unopened cells int count=0; for (int i = 1; i <=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j
= 1; j <=GameUtil.MAP_H ; j++) { if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]!=-1){ count++; } }
} if(count==GameUtil.RAY_MAX){ GameUtil.state=1; for (int i = 1; i
<=GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <=GameUtil.MAP_H ; j++) { // Not opened , Become a flag
if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]==0){ GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]=1; } } } return true; }
return false; } // Open space void spaceOpen(int x,int y){
if(GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[x][y]==0){ for (int i = x-1; i <=x+1 ; i++) { for (int
j = y-1; j <=y+1 ; j++) { // cover , Only recursion if(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]!=-1){
GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j]=-1; // It must be in the minefield
if(i>=1&&j>=1&&i<=GameUtil.MAP_W&&j<=GameUtil.MAP_H){ spaceOpen(i,j); } } } } }
} // Drawing method void paintSelf(Graphics g){ logic(); for (int i = 1; i <=
GameUtil.MAP_W ; i++) { for (int j = 1; j <= GameUtil.MAP_H; j++) { // cover if
(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j] == 0) { g.drawImage(, GameUtil.OFFSET + (i
- 1) * GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH + 1, GameUtil.OFFSET * 3 + (j - 1) *
- 2, null); } // Flag insertion if (GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j] == 1) {
g.drawImage(GameUtil.flag, GameUtil.OFFSET + (i - 1) * GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH +
1, GameUtil.OFFSET * 3 + (j - 1) * GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH + 1,
GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH - 2, GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH - 2, null); } // Error flag if
(GameUtil.DATA_TOP[i][j] == 2) { g.drawImage(GameUtil.noflag, GameUtil.OFFSET +
(i - 1) * GameUtil.SQUARE_LENGTH + 1, GameUtil.OFFSET * 3 + (j - 1) *
- 2, null); } } } } }
Initialize mine class
package com.sxt; /** * Initialize mine */ public class BottomRay { // Storage coordinates static int[]
rays = new int[GameUtil.RAY_MAX*2]; // Landmine coordinates int x,y; // Place T Indicates that it can be placed F Not placeable
boolean isPlace = true; // Generating mine void newRay() { for (int i = 0; i <
GameUtil.RAY_MAX*2 ; i=i+2) { x= (int) (Math.random()*GameUtil.MAP_W +1);//1-12
y= (int) (Math.random()*GameUtil.MAP_H +1);//1-12 // Determine whether the coordinates exist for (int j = 0; j
< i ; j=j+2) { if(x==rays[j] && y==rays[j+1]){ i=i-2; isPlace = false; break; }
} // Put coordinates into array if(isPlace){ rays[i]=x; rays[i+1]=y; } isPlace = true; } for (int i
= 0; i < GameUtil.RAY_MAX*2; i=i+2) {
GameUtil.DATA_BOTTOM[rays[i]][rays[i+1]]=-1; } } }
The props are shown below :





