<> sketch

QFont Font setting is nothing more than setting the following parameters :

<>QFont Common properties

setFamily Set font

setPixelSize Set font pixel size

setBold Bold font

setItalic Italics

setPointSize Set font size

setOverline Upper scribe

setUnderline Underline

setStrikeOut Delete line

<> Set the difference between font size and pixel size

setPixelSize() Function use Sets the font size in pixels

setPointSize() The function specifies that we Font size visible to the naked eye , Pixel independent

use setPixelSize Function set size , The display size is different on devices with different pixel sizes

use setPointSize Function set size , The size displayed on different devices is the same

<>QFont Derived

QFont Provide a specified font for drawing text

QFontComboBox Provides a drop-down list box for selecting a font family

QFontDatabase Provides the ability to Window Fonts that can be used under the operating system

QFontDialog Used to select a specified font

QFontEngineInfo Used to describe a specified font engine plug-in

QFontEnginePlugin It provides the basis of font warehouse plug-in , For embedded linux

QFontInfo Contains general information about a font

QFontDialog Used to pop up a dialog box To get the specified font

<> Common fonts

( Do not know the style can be in ui View the style of the corresponding font in the font settings of )

Song style SimSun

Blackbody SimHei

Microsoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei

Microsoft JhengHei Microsoft JhengHei

NSimSun NSimSun

Xinximing body PMingLiU

Fine bright body MingLiU


Imitation Song Dynasty FangSong

Regular script KaiTi

Imitation Song Dynasty _GB2312 FangSong_GB2312

Regular script _GB2312 KaiTi_GB2312

Song style :SimSuncss Chinese font (font-family) English name of

<>Mac OS Some of :

Chinese fine black :STHeiti Light [STXihei]

Chinese bold :STHeiti

Chinese regular script :STKaiti

Chinese Song typeface :STSong

Chinese imitation Song Dynasty :STFangsong

Li Hei Pro:LiHei Pro Medium

Li Song Pro:LiSong Pro Light

dfkai-sb :BiauKai

apple ligothic medium :Apple LiGothic Medium

Apple LiSung Light :Apple LiSung Light

<>Windows Some of :

Xinximing body :PMingLiU

Fine bright body :MingLiU

dfkai-sb :DFKai-SB

Blackbody :SimHei

NSimSun :NSimSun

Imitation Song Dynasty :FangSong

Regular script :KaiTi

Imitation Song Dynasty _GB2312:FangSong_GB2312

Regular script _GB2312:KaiTi_GB2312

microsoft jhenghei :Microsoft JhengHei

microsoft yahei :Microsoft YaHei

<> pretend Office Some will come out :

official script :LiSu

Immature :YouYuan

Chinese fine black :STXihei

Chinese regular script :STKaiti

Chinese Song typeface :STSong

Chinese song :STZhongsong

Chinese imitation Song Dynasty :STFangsong

Fangzheng shutI :FZShuTi

Fangzheng yaoti :FZYaoti

Hua wencaiyun :STCaiyun

Chinese Amber :STHupo

Chinese official script :STLiti

Chinese block letters :STXingkai

Hua Wenxin Wei :STXinwei

<> Examples
#include<QFont> Font class , By setting QFont Type of , To change the attributes of text in batch ; Here with QLineEdit Input box as an example QFont Usage of ;
QFont font;// instantiation QFont object //font.setFamily(" Microsoft YaHei ");// typeface
//font.setPixelSize(25);// Text pixel size //font.setPointSize(20);// Text size
//font.setUnderline(true);// Underline //font.setStrikeOut(true);// strikethrough
//font.setOverline(true);// Upper scribe //font.setItalic(true);// Italics
//font.setBold(true);// bold // font.setStyle(QFont::StyleOblique); //
font.setCapitalization(QFont::Capitalize);// title case //
font.setLetterSpacing(QFont::PercentageSpacing,200);// spacing QLineEdit*p=new
QLineEdit(this); p->resize(300,100); p->move(0,100); p->setFont(font);
