Don't say much , Look at the code !
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #include<windows.h> #include<stdlib.h> using namespace
std; int main() { int A,j,gzj,a1; cout<<" The fire shadow card drawing simulator is starting ……"<<endl; Sleep(2 * 1000);
FLAG: cout<<"1. Liver daily "<<endl<<"2. Buy coupons "<<endl<<"3. Draw card "<<endl; cin>>A; if(A==1) {
FLAG1: A=0;
cout<<"1. Liver day "<<endl<<"2. Liver one week "<<endl<<"3. Liver month "<<endl<<"4. Liver one year "<<endl<<"5. Exit daily "<<endl;
cin>>A; if(A==1) { A=0; cout<<" liver ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); j+=300;
cout<<" You got it 300 Gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG1; }
else { if(A==2) { A=0; cout<<" liver ……"<<endl; Sleep(1 * 1000); j+=2000;
cout<<" You got it 2000 Gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG1; }
else { if(A==3) { A=0; cout<<" liver ……"<<endl; Sleep(3 * 1000); j+=10000;
cout<<" You got it 10000 Gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG1;
} else { if(A==4) { A=0; cout<<" liver ……"<<endl; Sleep(4 * 1000); cout<<" liver ……"<<endl;
Sleep(4 * 1000); j+=150000; cout<<" You got it 150000 Gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl;
Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG1; } else { if(A==5) { A=0; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl;
Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG; } else { cout<<" invalid ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000);
goto FLAG1; } } } } } } else { if(A==2) { FLAG2: A=0;
cout<<"1. Buy one "<<endl<<"2. Buy ten "<<endl<<"3. Buy fifty "<<endl<<"4. Buy a hundred "<<endl<<"5. Exit purchase "<<endl;
cin>>A; if(A==1) { A=0; if(j>=168) { j-=168; gzj+=1; cout<<" You got it 1 Zhang gaozhaojuan "<<endl;
cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG2; } else {
cout<<" You don't have enough gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG2; } }
else { if(A==2) { A=0; if(j>=1680) { j-=1680; gzj+=10;
cout<<" You got it 10 Zhang Gaozhao "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG2; }
else { cout<<" You don't have enough gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto
FLAG2; } } else { if(A==3) { A=0; if(j>=8400) { j-=8400; gzj+=50;
cout<<" You got it 50 Zhang gaozhaojuan "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG2; }
else { cout<<" You don't have enough gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto
FLAG2; } } else { if(A==4) { A=0; if(j>=16800) { j-=16800; gzj+=100;
cout<<" You got it 100 Zhang gaozhaojuan "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG2;
} else { cout<<" You don't have enough gold coins "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto
FLAG2; } } else { if(A==5) { A=0; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto
FLAG; } else { cout<<" invalid ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG2; } } } } } }
else { if(A==3) { FLAG3: A=0;
cout<<"1. Smoke once "<<endl<<"2. Ten continuous pumping "<<endl<<"3. Withdrawal from recruitment "<<endl; cin>>A; if(A==1) { A=0;
if(gzj>=1) { gzj-=1; srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1; if(a1<=5)
{ srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1; if(a1<=30) { Sleep(0.5 *
1000); cout<<" Dirty water gate debris *5"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 * 1000);
cout<<" Dirty water gate debris *1"<<endl; } a1=0; } else { if(a1<=10) {
srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1; if(a1<=30) { Sleep(0.5 * 1000);
cout<<" Half snake pocket fragment *4"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<" Half snake pocket fragment *1"<<endl; }
a1=0; } else { if(a1<=20) { srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1;
if(a1<=30) { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<" Flying fragment *4"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 *
1000); cout<<" Flying fragment *1"<<endl; } a1=0; } else { if(a1<=50) {
srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1; if(a1<=30) { if(a1=10) {
Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<"B Endure the whole card *1"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 * 1000);
cout<<"B Endure fragment *2"<<endl; } } else { if(a1<=50) { Sleep(0.5 * 1000);
cout<<"C Endure the whole card *1"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<"C Endure fragment *5"<<endl; } }
a1=0; } } } } cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG3; } else {
cout<<" You're not good enough "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG3; } }
else { if(A==2) { A=0; if(gzj>=10) { gzj-=10; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) {
srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1; if(a1<=5) {
srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1; if(a1<=30) { Sleep(0.5 * 1000);
cout<<" Dirty water gate debris *5"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<" Dirty water gate debris *1"<<endl; }
a1=0; } else { if(a1<=10) { srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1;
if(a1<=30) { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<" Half snake pocket fragment *4"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 *
1000); cout<<" Half snake pocket fragment *1"<<endl; } a1=0; } else { if(a1<=20) {
srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1; if(a1<=30) { Sleep(0.5 * 1000);
cout<<" Flying fragment *4"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<" Flying fragment *1"<<endl; } a1=0;
} else { if(a1<=50) { srand((UINT)GetCurrentTime()); a1=rand()%100+1;
if(a1<=30) { if(a1=10) { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<"B Endure the whole card *1"<<endl; } else {
Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<"B Endure fragment *2"<<endl; } } else { if(a1<=50) { Sleep(0.5 *
1000); cout<<"C Endure the whole card *1"<<endl; } else { Sleep(0.5 * 1000); cout<<"C Endure fragment *5"<<endl;
} } a1=0; } } } } } cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG3; } else
{ cout<<" You're not good enough "<<endl; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG3; }
} else { if(A==3) { A=0; cout<<" Loading ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG; }
else { cout<<" invalid ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG3; } } } } else {
cout<<" invalid ……"<<endl; Sleep(0.5 * 1000); goto FLAG; } } } }
