Ding Dong ,10 Programmer Salary table released in January ~

First, geographically , Average wage ranking of cities , The top three are still going north to Shenzhen , Among them, Beijing 18094.3 The average wage has become the ceiling of many cities .

Next, let's take a look at the new one 10 Monthly programmer payroll ~


10 The cities with the highest monthly programmer salary are almost all first-line + New frontline + provincial capital ,IT The salary of the industry is higher in big cities , Especially Beijing , Shanghai , Shenzhen , average wage , median , The highest wages are far ahead ~


For a career , The highest salary for architects has come 6 Ten thousand yuan , So it's not surprising that many programmers dream of becoming architects , The average salary of Algorithm Engineers is 2 Ten thousand yuan , It seems that the salary of Algorithm Engineers starting from the bottom is really high . Although the average salary of game engineering is low , But the year-end dividend may be good , So as a game engineer, don't be too melancholy .

After reading the salary in October , Are you sour ?

Contrast 9 In January

2021 year 9 September national recruitment of programmers 435501 people ,2021 year 9 Monthly average salary of national programmers 15052 element , median wages 13000 element , The highest salary in Beijing can reach 50000 element . Next, let's take a look at the new one 9 Monthly programmer payroll ~

city :

9 The cities with the highest monthly programmer salary are almost all first-line + New frontline + provincial capital ,IT The salary of the industry is higher in big cities , Especially Beijing , Shanghai , Shenzhen , average wage , median , The highest wages are far ahead ~

function :

The salary of different positions varies greatly , Leading salary for algorithm related positions . Many large factories are recruiting , Candidates are also required to be familiar with algorithms , Junior engineers are prone to make mistakes and ignore basic knowledge , Blindly research algorithms , If the foundation is not solid, it is difficult to have better development , Anyway? , Programmers must lay a solid foundation first ~
