
YXcms 1.4.7

<> be familiar with MVC framework

Routing mode

Through a r File pointer for routing

Parameter transfer

...... public function test() { $param=in($_GET['a']); var_dump($param); } ....
$_GET Received value , adopt in Filter

in function
// Data filtering function library /* function : Used to filter strings and string arrays , Prevent being hanged and sql injection parameter $data, String or array of strings to filter ,
$force by true, ignore get_magic_quotes_gpc */ function in($data,$force=false){ if(
is_string($data)){ $data=trim(htmlspecialchars($data));// Prevent being hanged , Cross site attack if(($force==
true)||(!get_magic_quotes_gpc())) { $data = addslashes($data);// prevent sql injection } return
$data; } else if(is_array($data)) { foreach($data as $key=>$value){ $data[$key]=
in($value,$force); } return $data; } else { return $data; } }
You can see that functions don't prevent int Type injection , The keys of the array are not filtered

<> Add, delete, change and search

# default/indexController.php <?php class indexController extends
commonController { public function test() { $id = in($_GET['id']); $result =
model('user')->find("id={$id}"); var_dump($result); } ......

public function test() { $data=['username'=>'ocean2','password'=>'ocean2'];
$result=model('user')->insert($data); var_dump($result); }
public function test() { $id = in($_GET['id']); $data=['username'=>'nc000eee',
'password'=>'nce000ee']; $result=model('user')->update("id={$id}",$data);
var_dump($result); }

public function test() { $id = in($_GET['id']); $result=model('user')->delete(
"id={$id}"); var_dump($result); }
<> loophole

Digital injection

insert injection

Background arbitrary file deletion

<> Arbitrary file write


There is a problem at the front desk xss

It will be filtered when it is saved

But the background Audit Office will restore it


It will be filtered when it is saved

But the background Audit Office will restore it

[ Picture transfer in external chain …(img-6LOyjGnD-1617631219455)]

[ Picture transfer in external chain …(img-nZ2k7yOy-1617631219456)]
