

The title seems to be one prng Random number generator , It's actually an investigation RSA, After reading the source code, we found several valid equations :





(65537 * state0 - 66666 * state1 + 12345 * state2 )  mod n =


We use sage lower groebner_basis Solution to linear transformation of variables in equation ( It is similar to solving algebraic equation ), You can get it flag
N =
Cs =
s = 280513550110197745829890567436265496990 e = 17 l = len(Cs) PR =
PolynomialRing( Zmod(N), 'x', l ) x = PR.gens() f1 = (65537*x[0] - 66666*x[1] +
12345*x[2] - x[3]) f2 = x[0] + x[1] + x[2] - s Fs = [f1, f2] Fs.extend( [
(x[i]**e - Cs[i]) for i in range(l) ] ) I = Ideal(Fs) B = I.groebner_basis() m
= '' for b in B[:-1][::-1]: assert b.degree() == 1 mi = ZZ( -b(0,0,0,0) ) print
2. Smart alice

We get the data encrypted with similar plaintext 4 Group ciphertext , But the two sets of public keys are 3, The two sets of public keys are 5, So we have the following equation

We restructure it , Square one or two , Three or four times one x, The polynomial of the same power can be obtained ,

The Chinese remainder theorem is used to combine them sage Of small_roots Solving equations :
#!/usr/bin/sage -python from sage.all import * from Crypto.Util import number
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from hashlib import sha256 Usernames =
['Alice', 'Bob', 'Carol', 'Dan', 'Erin'] A = sha256( b'Alice' ).hexdigest() PKs
= [] Ciphers = [] B = [] for i in range(4): name = Usernames[i+1] pk =
open(name+'Public.pem', 'rb').read() PKs.append( RSA.importKey(pk) ) cipher =
open(name+'Cipher.enc', 'rb').read() Ciphers.append(
number.bytes_to_long(cipher) ) data = '{"from": "'+A+'", "msg":
"'+'\x00'*95+'", "to": "'+sha256( name.encode() ).hexdigest()+'"}' B.append(
number.bytes_to_long(data) ) PR = PolynomialRing(ZZ, 'x') x = PR.gen() Fs = []
for i in range(4): f = PR( ( 2**608*x + B[i] )**PKs[i].e - Ciphers[i] ) ff =
f.change_ring( Zmod(PKs[i].n) ) ff = ff.monic() f = ff.change_ring(ZZ)
Fs.append(f) F = crt( [ Fs[0]**2, Fs[1]**2, x*Fs[2], x*Fs[3] ], [ PKs[i].n for
i in range(4) ] ) M = reduce( lambda x, y: x * y, [ PKs[i].n for i in range(4)
] ) FF = F.change_ring( Zmod(M) ) m = FF.small_roots(X=2**760, beta=7./8)[0]
print 'msg: ' + number.long_to_bytes(m)

We are here ida Used in findcrypt The plug-in found one in the middle xx_tea Encryption function of , The key is the first four digits of the input , Then the encrypted ciphertext is converted to plaintext , Now we can get the reverse of it :
import xxtea v20=[0xce, 0xbc, 0x40, 0x6b, 0x7c, 0x3a, 0x95, 0xc0, 0xef, 0x9b,
0x20, 0x20, 0x91, 0xf7, 0x02, 0x35, 0x23, 0x18, 0x02, 0xc8, 0xe7, 0x56, 0x56,
0xfa] for i in xrange(len(v20)-1,0,-1): j=0 while j<i/3: v20[i]=v20[i]^v20[j]
j+=1 v19=[] for i in xrange(24): v19.append(0) for i in xrange(6):
v19[4*i+2]=v20[4*i+0] v19[4*i+0]=v20[4*i+1] v19[4*i+3]=v20[4*i+2]
v19[4*i+1]=v20[4*i+3] ss="" for i in v19: ss=ss+chr(i) key = "flag"
decrypt_data = xxtea.decrypt(ss, key) print decrypt_data
