use USART Serial communication , Baud rate is 9600, A single chip microcomputer sends digital signal ( The last two of their student numbers )
A single chip microcomputer receiving , And the received number is displayed by digital tube .
Need source code and simulation diagram can add me QQ2142686503

Receiving part of the program :
Serial port receiving
#include"usart.h" unsigned char buf; // The header file is a declaration , Here is the definition bit flag; // Display sign void
UsartInit(void) //9600bps @11.0592MHz { PCON &= 0x3F; // Enable SM0 SMOD=0 When reset 0 SCON
= 0x50; // Mode one 8 position No double SM0 SM1 SM2 REN( Accept control bit ) TB8 RB8 TI RI AUXR &= 0xBF;
// timer 1 The clock is Fosc/12, Namely 12T AUXR &= 0xFE; // Serial port 1 Select timer 1 Is the baud rate generator TMOD &= 0x0F; // Clear timer 1 Mode bit
TMOD|= 0x20; // Set timer 1 by 8 Bit auto reload mode TL1 = 0xFD; // Setting the initial value of timing TH1 = 0xFD; // Set timer reset value ET1
= 0; // inhibition timer 1 interrupt TR1 = 1; // Start timer 1 EA = 1; ES = 1; // Allow serial port interrupt } void Usart()
interrupt4 { buf = SBUF; // Read buffer value flag = 1; // Open the display after accepting once ES = 0; // Turn off serial interrupt RI = 0
; // Clear serial accept flag bit // ES = 1; }
Display numeric functions
#include"display.h" #include"delay.h" unsigned char code table[]={0x00 , 0x01 ,
0x02 , 0x03 , 0x04 , 0x05 ,0x06 ,0x07,0x08,0x09}; //0----9 void Display(unsigned
char i) // Digital display { static unsigned char ge, shi, mode; if(mode!=i)
// When the value does not change , Removal calculation , One less time while Cycle time { ge = i % 10; shi = i / 10; mode = i; // Record the last value } P2
= table[ge] + 0xf0; // data + Turn off bit selection delay(1); P2 &= 0xdf; // Open bit selection Common cathode low level bright delay(5);
// Full display P2 |= 0xf0; // Shadow elimination delay(1); P2 = table[shi] + 0xf0; //P2 Position selection Individual position P2^7 Ten P2^6
delay(1); P2 &= 0xef; delay(5); }
Principal function
#include"reg52.h" #include"usart.h" #include"display.h" #include"delay.h" void
main(void) { UsartInit(); while(1) { while(flag) // Only after receiving the data can it be displayed { Display(buf);
// Display received value delay(5); } } }
Send MCU function
void UART_SendBit(unsigned char Data) // send data { SBUF=Data; // write SUBF instructions , Start sending while(
!TI); // Send complete ,TI Place 1, Request interrupt ( Non disruptive function ) TI=0; // Manual reset } void UsartInit(void)
//[email protected] { PCON &= 0x3F; // Enable SM0 SMOD=0 When reset 0 The baud rate is not doubled SCON = 0x50;
//8 Bit data , Variable baud rate SM1 SM2 REN( Accept control bit ) TB8 RB8 TI RI AUXR &= 0xBF;
// timer 1 The clock is Fosc/12, Namely 12T AUXR &= 0xFE; // Serial port 1 Select timer 1 Is the baud rate generator TMOD &= 0x0F; // Clear timer 1 Mode bit
TMOD|= 0x20; // Set timer 1 by 8 Bit auto reload mode TL1 = 0xFD; // Setting the initial value of timing TH1 = 0xFD; // Set timer reset value ET1
= 0; // inhibition timer 1 interrupt TR1 = 1; // Start timer 1 }
