<>SQL server database Table basic operation

* Database operation command system create establish alter modify drop delete insert add to update to update delete delete select
Create Library

create database t223
on primary

Create table

Connect to the database first
use Library name

create table Table name (id int,name varchar(5),sex char(2),date datetime)
notes : int 4 Byte storage char: Fixed length non-linear Unicode character , maximum 8000 character , When the data does not meet the defined length , Add space to occupy . Fast reading and writing speed , It takes up a lot of space .
varchar: Non fixed length Unicode character , maximum 8000 character , Do not add space occupying spaces . date : date , Format year - month - day , time : time , hour : minute :
second datetime: Date time year - month - day hour : minute : second
Write data

insert into biao1 values add table 1 Data for ( first line )
(1,‘zs’,‘ male ’,‘2020-10-19’) surface 1 First line
insert into biao1 values add table 1 Data for ( The second line )
(2,‘xx’,‘ female ’,‘2021-10-19’) surface 1 The second line

Batch write data

insert into biao1 (id,name,xb,age,csny,jg,gl,tel)
select 1,‘ Zhang San ’,‘ male ’,18,‘2003-01-01’,‘ Beijing ’,4,111
union select 2,‘ Li San ’,‘ male ’,28,‘2002-01-01’,‘ Shanxi ’,5,222
union select 3,‘ Li Si ’,‘ female ’,38,‘2001-01-01’,‘ Shanghai ’,6,333

Add modify field

Add field seniority , data type int, Nonempty constraint
alter table biao1 add gl int not null
* Modify field name sex( Gender ) by xb exec sp_rename 'biao1.sex','xb'
* Add to table tel field , Used to enter the employee number alter table biao1 add tel char(20)
* Create a new table , to id Field add foreign key constraint create table biao2 (id int not null , constraint zw_id
foreignkey(id) references biao1(id))
<> Add constraints

1. Add non empty constraint
alter table Table name alter column Field name data type not null
This command can modify the data type of a field individually , When modifying the data type, it should conform to the compatibility of the existing data , If the table is empty, you can modify it at will .

* Add primary key constraint
First add a non NULL constraint to the field , Then add the primary key constraint
alter table Table name add constraint Constraint name primary key( Field name )
3. Add uniqueness constraint
alter table Table name add constraint Constraint name unique( Field name )
4. Add check constraint
alter table Table name add constraint Constraint name check( expression )
5. Add default constraint
alter table Table name add constraint Constraint name default ' Default value ' for Field name
6. Add foreign key constraint
alter table Table name add constraint Constraint name foreign key( Set foreign key fields ) references Reference table name ( Reference field name )
* Modify data
* update update Table name set Field name = Modified value where query criteria
* View table structure exec sp_help Table name
<> Small expansion ( dried food )

* example create table biao1 (id int primary key, --int: The integer is four bytes Create primary key -- name char(8)
unique, --unique Unique constraint -- age int check(age>=18 and age<=30), --check Check constraints ( Greater than or equal to
18 Less than and equal to 30)-- sex char(2)check(sex=' male 'or sex=' female '), --char Fixed length characters check( Male or female )-- jg
varchar(20)not null, --varchar Variable length character not null Nonempty constraint -- gz money, --money Currency character --
* Write multiple lines of data (union) insert into biao1 select 1,' king gx',20,' male ',' Lu Liang ',100000,' Zhongdan '
union select 2,' Zhang San ',30,' female ',' Shanxi ',1000,' On the list ' union select 3,' Li Si ',19,' male ',' earth ',10000,
' Fight wild '
* query select biao1.name from biao1 where age>18and age<30 -- From table 1 Older than middle age 18 less than 30
Find the name in the parameter of -- select biao1.name,biao1.jg,biao1.gz from biao1 where zw=' On the list ' -- From table 1
Find the name, native place and salary in the parameters of the previous document -- select biao1.name,biao1.zw from biao1 where gz<10000 -- From table 1
The average wage is less than 10000 Find the name and position in the parameter -- select biao1.zw,biao1.name from biao1 where sex=' female 'and
age>18 -- From table 1 The gender is female and the age is older than 18 Find the position name in the parameter of -- select biao1.gz from biao1 where zw=' Fight wild '
-- From table 1 Find the salary in the parameters with the position as field -- select biao1.jg,biao1.gz,biao1.age from biao1 where zw=
' On the list ' -- Find the native place, salary and age from the parameters with the position as the previous document — notes : The detailed query of database and table will be continuously updated later
