#include"stdafx.h" #include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> #include<windows.h> #
include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #define U 1 #define D 2 #define L 3 #define
R 4// The state of the snake U: upper D: lower L: Left R: right typedef struct snake // A node of snake body { int x; // Nodal x coordinate int y
; // Nodal y coordinate struct snake *next; // Next node of snake body }snake; int score=0,add=10;
// The total score and the score of each food eaten int highscore=0; // Highest score int status,sleeptime=200;
// Snake forward state , Time interval of each run snake *head,*food; // Snake head pointer , Food pointer snake *q; // Pointer to traverse snake int
endgamestatus=0; // State at the end of the game HANDLE hOut; // Handle console void gotoxy(int x,int y); int
color(int c); void printsnake(); void wlcome(); void createmap(); void
scoreandtips(); void initsnake(); void createfood(); int biteself(); void
cantcrosswall(); void speedup(); void speeddown(); void snakemove(); void
keyboardcontrol(); void lostdraw(); void endgame(); void choose(); void file_out
(); void file_in(); void explation(); main() { system("mode con cols=100
lines=30"); printsnake(); wlcome(); file_out(); keyboardcontrol(); endgame(); }
void gotoxy(int x,int y)// Set cursor position {COORD c; c.X=x; c.Y=y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),c); // Position the cursor } int
color(int c)// Set color { SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE),c);
return 0; } void printsnake()// Print character snake { gotoxy(2,5); color(3); printf(" full name : Zhang Xiaoai ");
gotoxy(2,6); color(3); printf(" Student number :1910101099"); gotoxy(35,1); color(6); printf(
"/^\\/^\\"); gotoxy(34,2); printf("|_| o|"); gotoxy(33,2); color(2); printf("_")
; gotoxy(25,3); color(12); printf("\\/"); gotoxy(31,3); color(2); printf("/");
gotoxy(37,3); color(6); printf("\\_/"); gotoxy(41,3); color(10); printf(" \\");
gotoxy(26,4); color(12); printf("\\____"); gotoxy(32,4); printf("_________");
gotoxy(31,4); color(2); printf("|"); gotoxy(43,4); color(10); printf("\\");
gotoxy(32,5); color(2); printf("\\_______"); gotoxy(44,5); color(10); printf(
"\\"); gotoxy(39,6); printf("| | \\"); gotoxy(38,7); printf("/ / \\"); gotoxy(37
,8); printf("/ / \\ \\"); gotoxy(35,9); printf("/ / \\ \\"); gotoxy(34,10);
printf(" / / \\ \\"); gotoxy(33,11); printf("/ / _----_ \\ \\"); gotoxy(32,12);
printf("/ / _-~ ~-_ | |"); gotoxy(31,13); printf("( ( _-~ _--_ ~-_ _/ |");
gotoxy(32,14); printf("\\ ~-____-~ _-~ ~-_ ~-_-~ /"); gotoxy(33,15); printf(
"~-_ _-~ ~-_ _-~"); gotoxy(35,16); printf("~--____-~ ~-___-~"); } void wlcome()
// Welcome interface {int n; int i,j=1; gotoxy(43,18); color(11); printf(" Snake Wars "); color(14);
for(i=20;i<=26;i++) { for(j=27;j<=74;j++) { gotoxy(j,i); if(i==20||i==26) {
printf("-"); } else if(j==27||j==74) { printf("|"); } } } color(12); gotoxy(35,
22); printf("1. Start the game "); gotoxy(55,22); printf("2. Game Description "); gotoxy(35,24); printf(
"3. Quit the game "); gotoxy(29,27); color(3); printf(" Please select 1 2 3\n"); color(14); scanf("%d",
&n); switch(n) { case 1: system("cls");// Clear screen createmap(); initsnake(); createfood
(); keyboardcontrol(); break; case 2: explation(); break; break; case 3: exit(0)
; break; } } void createmap()// Create a map { int i,j; for(i=0;i<58;i+=2) { gotoxy(i,0);
color(5); printf("□"); gotoxy(i,26); printf("□"); } for(i=0;i<26;i++) { gotoxy(0
,i); printf("□"); gotoxy(56,i); printf("□"); } for(i=2;i<56;i+=2) { for(j=1;j<26
;j++) { gotoxy(i,j); color(3); printf("■\n\n"); } } } void scoreandtips()
// Scores and tips on the right side of the game interface { file_out(); gotoxy(64,4); color(11); printf("* The highest record *: %d",
highscore); gotoxy(64,8); color(14); printf(" score : %d ",score); color(13); gotoxy(
73,11); printf(" Tips "); gotoxy(60,13); color(6); printf("+---------------------+"
); gotoxy(60,25); printf("+---------------------+"); color(3); gotoxy(64,14);
printf(" Score per food :%d branch ",add); gotoxy(64,16); printf(" You can't go through the wall , You can't bite yourself "); gotoxy(64,18);
printf(" use ↑↓←→ Control the movement of the snake separately "); gotoxy(64,20); printf("F1 To speed up ,F2 To slow down "); gotoxy(64,22);
printf("space: Pause the game "); gotoxy(64,24); printf("ESC: Quit the game "); } void file_out()
// Open the file to record the highest score { FILE *fp; fp=fopen("save.txt","a+"); fscanf(fp,"%d",&highscore);
fclose(fp); } void initsnake() { snake *tail; int i; tail=(snake*)malloc(sizeof(
snake)); tail->x=24; tail->y=5; tail->next=NULL; for(i=1;i<=4;i++) { head=(snake
*)malloc(sizeof(snake)); head->next=tail; head->x=24+2*i; head->y=5; tail=head;
} while(tail!=NULL) {gotoxy(tail->x,tail->y); color(14); printf("★"); // Snake body ★ form
tail=tail->next; } } void createfood()// Random food { snake *food_1; srand((unsigned)
time(NULL)); food_1=(snake*)malloc(sizeof(snake)); while((food_1->x%2!=0)) {
food_1->x=rand()%52+2; } food_1->y=rand()%24+1; q=head; while(q->next==NULL) {
if(q->x==food_1->x&&q->y==food_1->y) { free(food_1); createfood(); } q=q->next;
} gotoxy(food_1->x,food_1->y); food=food_1; color(12); printf("@"); } int
biteself() { snake *self; // definition self It is the node of the snake except its head self=head->next; while(self!=
NULL) { if(self->x==head->x&&self->y==head->y) { return 1; } self=self->next; }
return 0; } void cantcrosswall() { if(head->x==0||head->x==56||head->y==0||head-
>y==26) { endgamestatus=1; endgame(); } } void speedup()// accelerate { if(sleeptime>=50)
{ sleeptime=sleeptime-10; add=add+2; } } void speeddown()// Slow down { if(sleeptime<350
) { sleeptime=sleeptime+30; add=add-2; if(sleeptime==350) { add=1; } } } void
snakemove()// Control direction { snake *nexthead; cantcrosswall(); nexthead=(snake*)malloc(
sizeof(snake)); if(status==U)// upper { nexthead->x=head->x; // When going up ,x unchanged ,y-1
nexthead->y=head->y-1; nexthead->next=head; head=nexthead; q=head;
// If there's food in the next position , The coordinates of the next position are the same as those of the food if(nexthead->x==food->x&&nexthead->y==food->y) {
while(q!=NULL) { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); color(14); printf("★"); q=q->next; } score=
score+add; speedup(); createfood(); } else { while(q->next->next!=NULL)
// If you don't meet food { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); color(14); printf("★"); q=q->next; } // Through the above cycle
,q Point to the snake's tail , The next step for snaketail is where it goes gotoxy(q->next->x,q->next->y); color(3); printf("■");
// Return to where you've been free(q->next); q->next=NULL; } } if(status==D) { nexthead->x=head->x;
// When going down ,x unchanged ,y+1 nexthead->y=head->y+1; nexthead->next=head; head=nexthead; q=
head; // If there's food in the next position , The coordinates of the next position are the same as those of the food if(nexthead->x==food->x&&nexthead->y==food->
y) { while(q!=NULL) { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); color(14); printf("★"); q=q->next; }
score=score+add; speedup(); createfood(); } else { while(q->next->next!=NULL)
// If you don't meet food { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); color(14); printf("★"); q=q->next; } // Through the above cycle
,q Point to the snake's tail , The next step for snaketail is where it goes gotoxy(q->next->x,q->next->y); color(3); printf("■");
// Return to where you've been free(q->next); q->next=NULL; } } if(status==L)// Left { nexthead->x=head->
x-2; // When going left ,x unchanged ,y+1 nexthead->y=head->y; nexthead->next=head; head=nexthead; q
=head; // If there's food in the next position , The coordinates of the next position are the same as those of the food if(nexthead->x==food->x&&nexthead->y==food-
>y) { while(q!=NULL) { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); // The food became part of the snake color(14); printf("★");
q=q->next; } score=score+add; speedup(); createfood(); } else { while(q->next->
next!=NULL)// If you don't meet food { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); color(14); printf("★"); q=q->next; }
// Through the above cycle ,q Point to the snake's tail , The next step for snaketail is where it goes gotoxy(q->next->x,q->next->y); color(3); printf
("■");// Return to where you've been free(q->next); q->next=NULL; } } if(status==R) { nexthead->x=
head->x+2; // When going up ,x unchanged ,y-1 nexthead->y=head->y; nexthead->next=head; head=
nexthead; q=head; // If there's food in the next position , The coordinates of the next position are the same as those of the food if(nexthead->x==food->x&&
nexthead->y==food->y) { while(q!=NULL) { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); color(14); printf(
"★"); q=q->next; } score=score+add; speedup(); createfood(); } else { while(q->
next->next!=NULL)// If you don't meet food { gotoxy(q->x,q->y); color(14); printf("★"); q=q->
next; } // Through the above cycle ,q Point to the snake's tail , The next step for snaketail is where it goes gotoxy(q->next->x,q->next->y); color(3)
; printf("■");// Return to where you've been free(q->next); q->next=NULL; } } if(biteself()==1) {
endgamestatus=2; endgame(); } } void keyboardcontrol() { status=R; while(1) {
scoreandtips(); //GetAsyncKeyState Function is used to determine the state of the virtual key specified by the function call if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_UP)
&&status!=D) { status=U; } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_DOWN)&&status!=U) {
status=D; } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_LEFT)&&status!=R) { status=L; } else if(
GetAsyncKeyState(VK_RIGHT)&&status!=L) { status=R; } if(GetAsyncKeyState(
VK_SPACE)) { while(1) { // call sleep function , Stop the process , Until the set parameter time is reached Sleep(300); if(
GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SPACE)) { break; } } } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_ESCAPE))
{ endgamestatus=3; break; } else if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F1)) { speedup(); } else
if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_F2)) { if(sleeptime<350) { sleeptime=sleeptime+30; add=
add-2; if(sleeptime==350) { add=1; } } } Sleep(sleeptime); snakemove(); } } void
lostdraw() { system("cls"); int i,j; gotoxy(17,5); color(11); printf(
"+------------------------"); gotoxy(35,5); color(14); printf("o00o"); gotoxy(39
,5); color(11); printf("----------"); gotoxy(48,5); color(14); printf("---");
gotoxy(51,5); color(11); printf("----------"); gotoxy(61,5); color(14); printf(
"o00o"); gotoxy(65,5); color(11); printf("-----------------+"); for(i=6;i<=19;i
++) { gotoxy(17,i); printf("|"); gotoxy(82,i); printf("|"); } gotoxy(17,20);
printf("+----------------------------------"); gotoxy(52,20); color(11); printf(
"-----------------------------+"); } void endgame() { system("cls"); if(
endgamestatus==1) { lostdraw(); gotoxy(35,9); color(12); printf(
" I'm sorry , You hit the wall . game over !"); } else if(endgamestatus==2) { lostdraw(); gotoxy(35,9);
color(12); printf(" I'm sorry , You bit yourself . game over !"); } else if(endgamestatus==3) { lostdraw();
gotoxy(40,9); color(12); printf(" You finished the game ."); } gotoxy(43,12); color(13); printf(
" What's your score %d",score); if(score>=highscore) { color(10); gotoxy(33,16); printf(
" New record ! you are so good !!!"); file_in(); } choose(); } void file_in()// Store the highest score in a file { FILE *fp;
fp=fopen("save.txt","w+");// Create files by reading and writing fprintf(fp,"%d",score); fclose(fp); }
void choose() { int n; gotoxy(25,23); color(12); printf(" Play again -------1"); gotoxy(
52,23); printf(" No more , sign out -------2"); gotoxy(46,25); color(11); printf(" choice :"); scanf
("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1: system("cls"); score=0; sleeptime=200; add=10;
printsnake(); wlcome(); break; case 2: exit(0); break; default: gotoxy(35,27);
color(12); printf(" Your input is wrong , Please re-enter "); system("pause >nul");// strike any key endgame(); choose(
); break; } } void explation() { int i,j=1; system("cls"); color(13); gotoxy(44,
3); printf(" Game Description "); color(2); for(i=6;i<=22;i++) { for(j=20;j<=75;j++) { gotoxy(
j,i); if(i==6||i==22)printf("="); else if(j==20||j==75)printf("||"); } } color(3
); gotoxy(30,8); printf("1, You can't go through the wall , You can't bite yourself "); color(3); gotoxy(30,8); printf(
"1, You can't go through the wall , You can't bite yourself "); color(10); gotoxy(30,11); printf("2, use ↑↓←→ Control the movement of the snake separately "); color(14)
; gotoxy(30,14); printf("3,F1 To speed up ,F2 To slow down "); color(11); gotoxy(30,17); printf(
"4, Press the space bar to pause the game , Press the space bar again to continue "); color(4); gotoxy(30,20); printf("5,ESC: Quit the game ,space: Pause the game ");
getch();// Press any key to return to the main interface system("cls"); printsnake(); wlcome(); }
