<>Python Happiness for girlfriends

The development tools used are pycham,pycham It's also widely used to do Python Development tools . Applied turtle library , Of course, if it is installed anaconda3 This is better than that , I thought there was something we would do Python Most of the libraries used in programming ,turtle It is python A function library for drawing image in , It can be used to draw a lot of things , Like the simple little yellow man , Rose, etc , This library can also be said to be a magic pen of Ma Liang . For example, here's a little surprise for your girlfriend .
1, Love tree

import turtle import random def love(x,y):# stay (x,y) Painting love lalala lv=turtle.Turtle()
lv.hideturtle() lv.up() lv.goto(x,y)# Navigate to (x,y) def curvemove():# arc for i in
range(20): lv.right(10) lv.forward(2) lv.color('red','pink') lv.speed(100)
lv.pensize(1) # Start painting love lalala lv.down() lv.begin_fill() lv.left(140)
lv.forward(22) curvemove() lv.left(120) curvemove() lv.forward(22)
lv.write(" Yang Mi ",font=("Arial",12,"normal"),align="center")# Write down the name of the person who confessed
lv.left(140)# Reset after painting lv.end_fill() def tree(branchLen,t): if branchLen >
5:# Too few branches left to end recursion if branchLen<20: t.color("green")
t.pensize(random.uniform((branchLen + 5) / 4 - 2, (branchLen + 6) / 4 + 5))
t.down() t.forward(branchLen) love(t.xcor(),t.ycor())# Transmission now turtle Coordinates of t.up()
t.backward(branchLen) t.color("brown") return
t.pensize(random.uniform((branchLen+5)/4-2,(branchLen+6)/4+5)) t.down()
t.forward(branchLen) # The following recursion ang=random.uniform(15,45) t.right(ang)
tree(branchLen-random.uniform(12,16),t)# Random decision to reduce length t.left(2*ang)
tree(branchLen-random.uniform(12,16),t)# Random decision to reduce length t.right(ang) t.up()
t.backward(branchLen) myWin = turtle.Screen() t = turtle.Turtle()
t.hideturtle() t.speed(1000) t.left(90) t.up() t.backward(200) t.down()
t.color("brown") t.pensize(32) t.forward(60) tree(100,t) myWin.exitonclick()
2, Painting peach heart

# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import turtle import time # Draw the top of love def LittleHeart():
for i in range(200): turtle.right(1) turtle.forward(2) # Enter the statement to declare , default I Love you
love = input(' Please enter a statement , The default value is input "I Love you": ') # Input signature or give to whom , No, not implemented me =
input(' Please enter your sweetheart's name or nickname : ') if love == '': love = 'I Love you' # Window size
turtle.setup(width=800, height=500) # colour turtle.color('red', 'pink') # Pen thickness
turtle.pensize(5) # speed turtle.speed(1) # write turtle.up() # Hidden pen
turtle.hideturtle() # Go to the coordinates , The center of the window is 0,0 turtle.goto(0, -180) turtle.showturtle() #
Draw a line turtle.down() turtle.speed(1) turtle.begin_fill() turtle.left(140)
turtle.forward(224) # Call the top on the left LittleHeart() # Call the top on the right turtle.left(120)
LittleHeart() # Draw the line turtle.forward(224) turtle.end_fill() turtle.pensize(5)
turtle.up() turtle.hideturtle() # Write in your heart once turtle.goto(0, 0)
turtle.showturtle() turtle.color('#CD5C5C', 'pink') # Write in your heart
font You can set up your own fonts. You can set up any of them on your computer align Where to start writing turtle.write(love, font=('gungsuh', 30,),
align="center") turtle.up() turtle.hideturtle() time.sleep(2) # Write in your heart secondary
turtle.goto(0, 0) turtle.showturtle() turtle.color('red', 'pink')
turtle.write(love, font=('gungsuh', 30,), align="center") turtle.up()
turtle.hideturtle() # Sign if me != '': turtle.color('black', 'pink')
time.sleep(2) turtle.goto(180, -180) turtle.showturtle() turtle.write(me,
font=(20,), align="center", move=True) # Click the window to close window = turtle.Screen()
3, One shot through the heart

import turtle def getPosition(x, y): turtle.setx(x) turtle.sety(y) print(x, y)
class Pikachu: def __init__(self): self.t = turtle.Turtle() t = self.t
t.pensize(3) t.speed(9) t.ondrag(getPosition) def noTrace_goto(self, x, y):
self.t.penup() self.t.goto(x, y) self.t.pendown() def leftEye(self, x, y):
self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t = self.t t.seth(0) t.fillcolor('#333333')
t.begin_fill() t.circle(22) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(x, y + 10)
t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill() t.circle(10) t.end_fill()
self.noTrace_goto(x + 6, y + 22) t.fillcolor('#ffffff') t.begin_fill()
t.circle(10) t.end_fill() def rightEye(self, x, y): self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t =
self.t t.seth(0) t.fillcolor('#333333') t.begin_fill() t.circle(22)
t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(x, y + 10) t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill()
t.circle(10) t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(x - 6, y + 22)
t.fillcolor('#ffffff') t.begin_fill() t.circle(10) t.end_fill() def mouth(self,
x, y): self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t = self.t t.fillcolor('#88141D') t.begin_fill()
# Lower lip l1 = [] l2 = [] t.seth(190) a = 0.7 for i in range(28): a += 0.1
t.right(3) t.fd(a) l1.append(t.position()) self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.seth(10) a
= 0.7 for i in range(28): a += 0.1 t.left(3) t.fd(a) l2.append(t.position()) #
Upper lip t.seth(10) t.circle(50, 15) t.left(180) t.circle(-50, 15) t.circle(-50, 40)
t.seth(233) t.circle(-50, 55) t.left(180) t.circle(50, 12.1) t.end_fill() # tongue
self.noTrace_goto(17, 54) t.fillcolor('#DD716F') t.begin_fill() t.seth(145)
t.circle(40, 86) t.penup() for pos in reversed(l1[:20]): t.goto(pos[0], pos[1]
+ 1.5) for pos in l2[:20]: t.goto(pos[0], pos[1] + 1.5) t.pendown()
t.end_fill() # nose self.noTrace_goto(-17, 94) t.seth(8) t.fd(4) t.back(8) # Red cheek
def leftCheek(self, x, y): turtle.tracer(False) t = self.t self.noTrace_goto(x,
y) t.seth(300) t.fillcolor('#DD4D28') t.begin_fill() a = 2.3 for i in
range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a -= 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) else: a
+= 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) t.end_fill() turtle.tracer(True) def rightCheek(self,
x, y): t = self.t turtle.tracer(False) self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.seth(60)
t.fillcolor('#DD4D28') t.begin_fill() a = 2.3 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i <
30 or 60 <= i < 90: a -= 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a) else: a += 0.05 t.lt(3) t.fd(a)
t.end_fill() turtle.tracer(True) def colorLeftEar(self, x, y): t = self.t
self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill() t.seth(330)
t.circle(100, 35) t.seth(219) t.circle(-300, 19) t.seth(110) t.circle(-30, 50)
t.circle(-300, 10) t.end_fill() def colorRightEar(self, x, y): t = self.t
self.noTrace_goto(x, y) t.fillcolor('#000000') t.begin_fill() t.seth(300)
t.circle(-100, 30) t.seth(35) t.circle(300, 15) t.circle(30, 50) t.seth(190)
t.circle(300, 17) t.end_fill() def body(self): t = self.t
t.fillcolor('#F6D02F') t.begin_fill() # Right face contour t.penup() t.circle(130, 40)
t.pendown() t.circle(100, 105) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 5) # Right ear t.seth(20)
t.circle(300, 30) t.circle(30, 50) t.seth(190) t.circle(300, 36) # Upper contour
t.seth(150) t.circle(150, 70) # Left ear t.seth(200) t.circle(300, 40) t.circle(30,
50) t.seth(20) t.circle(300, 35) # print(t.pos()) # Left face contour t.seth(240)
t.circle(105, 95) t.left(180) t.circle(-105, 5) # left hand t.seth(210) t.circle(500,
18) t.seth(200) t.fd(10) t.seth(280) t.fd(7) t.seth(210) t.fd(10) t.seth(300)
t.circle(10, 80) t.seth(220) t.fd(10) t.seth(300) t.circle(10, 80) t.seth(240)
t.fd(12) t.seth(0) t.fd(13) t.seth(240) t.circle(10, 70) t.seth(10)
t.circle(10, 70) t.seth(10) t.circle(300, 18) t.seth(75) t.circle(500, 8)
t.left(180) t.circle(-500, 15) t.seth(250) t.circle(100, 65) # Left foot t.seth(320)
t.circle(100, 5) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 5) t.seth(220) t.circle(200, 20)
t.circle(20, 70) t.seth(60) t.circle(-100, 20) t.left(180) t.circle(100, 20)
t.seth(300) t.circle(10, 70) t.seth(60) t.circle(-100, 20) t.left(180)
t.circle(100, 20) t.seth(10) t.circle(100, 60) # transverse t.seth(180) t.circle(-100,
10) t.left(180) t.circle(100, 10) t.seth(5) t.circle(100, 10) t.circle(-100,
40) t.circle(100, 35) t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 10) # Right foot t.seth(290)
t.circle(100, 55) t.circle(10, 50) t.seth(120) t.circle(100, 20) t.left(180)
t.circle(-100, 20) t.seth(0) t.circle(10, 50) t.seth(110) t.circle(100, 20)
t.left(180) t.circle(-100, 20) t.seth(30) t.circle(20, 50) t.seth(100)
t.circle(100, 40) # Right body contour t.seth(200) t.circle(-100, 5) t.left(180)
t.circle(100, 5) t.left(30) t.circle(100, 75) t.right(15) t.circle(-300, 21)
t.left(180) t.circle(300, 3) # one 's right hand t.seth(43) t.circle(200, 60) t.right(10)
t.fd(10) t.circle(5, 160) t.seth(90) t.circle(5, 160) t.seth(90) t.fd(10)
t.seth(90) t.circle(5, 180) t.fd(10) t.left(180) t.left(20) t.fd(10)
t.circle(5, 170) t.fd(10) t.seth(240) t.circle(50, 30) t.end_fill()
self.noTrace_goto(130, 125) t.seth(-20) t.fd(5) t.circle(-5, 160) t.fd(5) # fingerprint
self.noTrace_goto(166, 130) t.seth(-90) t.fd(3) t.circle(-4, 180) t.fd(3)
t.seth(-90) t.fd(3) t.circle(-4, 180) t.fd(3) # tail self.noTrace_goto(168, 134)
t.fillcolor('#F6D02F') t.begin_fill() t.seth(40) t.fd(200) t.seth(-80)
t.fd(150) t.seth(210) t.fd(150) t.left(90) t.fd(100) t.right(95) t.fd(100)
t.left(110) t.fd(70) t.right(110) t.fd(80) t.left(110) t.fd(30) t.right(110)
t.fd(32) t.right(106) t.circle(100, 25) t.right(15) t.circle(-300, 2)
############## # print(t.pos()) t.seth(30) t.fd(40) t.left(100) t.fd(70)
t.right(100) t.fd(80) t.left(100) t.fd(46) t.seth(66) t.circle(200, 38)
t.right(10) t.fd(10) t.end_fill() # Tail pattern t.fillcolor('#923E24')
self.noTrace_goto(126.82, -156.84) t.begin_fill() t.seth(30) t.fd(40)
t.left(100) t.fd(40) t.pencolor('#923e24') t.seth(-30) t.fd(30) t.left(140)
t.fd(20) t.right(150) t.fd(20) t.left(150) t.fd(20) t.right(150) t.fd(20)
t.left(130) t.fd(18) t.pencolor('#000000') t.seth(-45) t.fd(67) t.right(110)
t.fd(80) t.left(110) t.fd(30) t.right(110) t.fd(32) t.right(106) t.circle(100,
25) t.right(15) t.circle(-300, 2) t.end_fill() # Hat , eye , mouth , cheek self.cap(-134.07,
147.81) self.mouth(-5, 25) self.leftCheek(-126, 32) self.rightCheek(107, 63)
self.colorLeftEar(-250, 100) self.colorRightEar(140, 270) self.leftEye(-85, 90)
self.rightEye(50, 110) t.hideturtle() def cap(self, x, y): self.noTrace_goto(x,
y) t = self.t t.fillcolor('#CD0000') t.begin_fill() t.seth(200) t.circle(400,
7) t.left(180) t.circle(-400, 30) t.circle(30, 60) t.fd(50) t.circle(30, 45)
t.fd(60) t.left(5) t.circle(30, 70) t.right(20) t.circle(200, 70) t.circle(30,
60) t.fd(70) # print(t.pos()) t.right(35) t.fd(50) t.circle(8, 100)
t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(-168.47, 185.52) t.seth(36) t.circle(-270, 54)
t.left(180) t.circle(270, 27) t.circle(-80, 98) t.fillcolor('#444444')
t.begin_fill() t.left(180) t.circle(80, 197) t.left(58) t.circle(200, 45)
t.end_fill() self.noTrace_goto(-58, 270) t.pencolor('#228B22') t.dot(35)
self.noTrace_goto(-30, 280) t.fillcolor('#228B22') t.begin_fill() t.seth(100)
t.circle(30, 180) t.seth(190) t.fd(15) t.seth(100) t.circle(-45, 180)
t.right(90) t.fd(15) t.end_fill() t.pencolor('#000000') def start(self):
self.body() def main(): print('Painting the Pikachu... ')
turtle.screensize(800, 600) turtle.title('Pikachu') pikachu = Pikachu()
pikachu.start() turtle.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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