Preliminaries (2020 year 1 month 2 day —2020 year 2 month 21 day ), The second round (2020 year 2 month 25 day —2020 year 3 month 22 day ),baseline Accuracy 0.7843, Too low ~, The topic revolves around “ Smart ocean construction , Enabling modernization of maritime safety governance capability ”. Players are required to analyze the position data of Beidou equipment of fishing boats , It's trawling , Purse seine or drift gill net . In fact, the conclusion is that “ trajectory ( Sequence data )+ Multiclassification ” The task of , More conventional , It is mainly feature extraction and processing , The complexity lies in the processing of location information ;
one , Question understanding
Here's the trawl , Purse seine , Schematic diagram of gill net .
The status of the fishing boat includes :Anchored-off: A resting place for ships ;Turning: The turning point of a ship ;Straight-sailing: The point at which a ship sails
two , Data preprocessing and Feature Engineering
1), use PCA Algorithm transformation x and y( Rotation transformation ), Count each item separately ship After transformation in x and y Maximum value of (x_max,y_max), minimum value (x_min,y_min), average value (x_mean,y_mean),
Sum mode (x_mode,y_mode), as well as x_mode And y_mode Interactive characteristics of multiplication ( Depicting the frequent location features of fishing boats ); In the same way , yes x,y The rotation feature of the image (x_pca,y_pca) The same operation of feature extraction is carried out .
2), Adding features to depict frequent points of fishing vessels . Accuracy according to latitude and longitude , The original latitude and PCA Latitude multiplication after transformation 10 Of 3 pow , Add the original longitude respectively , obtain sign and sign_pca Used for later features . Calculate separately sign and sign_pca The mode of sign_mode And sign_pca_mode( Depicting frequent locations );
3), according to EDA It is found that the dispersion of gill net is lower than that of Purse Seine and trawl , That is to say, gill net fishing boats will move in the sea area with local concentration , To characterize this behavior , Use each ship Of sign Of nunique( That is, the number of fishing boats passing through different positions ) divide len(sign)( Total number of records ), This feature is used to describe the dispersion of fishing vessel motion , obtain sign_nunique; according to sign_nunique Distribution of characteristics , Go on, right sign_nunique Separate the containers , less than 0.2
Place 0, greater than 0.2 less than 0.63 Place 1, The rest of the house 3;
4), Calculate each ship Medium speed greater than 0 Less than or equal to 2, greater than 2 Less than or equal to 6, greater than 6 Less than or equal to 10 Proportion and average of , Three intervals represent three states of motion , The average speed in each interval represents the speed description of the ship in the motion state ( According to the distribution of the speed of the choice of the speed of the sub box mode ).
5), To describe other information at frequent points , Statistics sign_mode Of count features ( As prior information at frequent points ), And the average speed of different motion states ( That is to say, the statistics of the data at the same frequent points 3 The average value of the velocity of the two motion states ).
6), Calculate each ship The average value of the middle angle .
7), Using raw data 'time' features , Extract its ‘ minute ’ features , Calculate its maximum value .
8), Average of time difference .
9), Quantile of time difference .
10), Median time difference .
11), Faster than 4 As the working state, the continuous motion segments of the system are selected , Calculate each ship And calculate the displacement of each segment as the job interval , Count each ship Median characteristics of job intervals in
12), data processing :skew Larger features sign_pca_mode use log Function to normalize it ; Speed related features retain their two significant digits .
13), The corner feature is designed , And count the number of three corner forms of each ship , Mean as a feature .
14), The characteristics of the overall model are as follows 42 individual
three , Model training and optimization / code
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from lightgbm.sklearn import
LGBMClassifier from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold from
sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.metrics
import f1_score from gensim.models import Word2Vec from scipy import sparse
from tqdm import tqdm import os import gc import time import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') label_dict1 = {' trawl ': 0, ' Purse seine ': 1, ' gill net ': 2}
label_dict2 = {0: ' trawl ', 1: ' Purse seine ', 2: ' gill net '} name_dict = {' Fishing boat ID': 'id', ' speed ': 'v',
' direction ': 'dir', 'type': 'label', 'lat': 'x', 'lon': 'y'} def get_data(file_path,
model): paths = os.listdir(file_path) tmp = open(f'{model}.csv', 'w',
encoding='utf-8') for t in tqdm(range(len(paths))): p = paths[t] with
open(f'{file_path}/{p}', encoding='utf-8') as f: if t!=0: next(f)
tmp.write( tmp.close() ttt = time.time()
get_data('/tcdata/hy_round2_train_20200225', 'train')
get_data('/tcdata/hy_round2_testA_20200225', 'testA')
get_data('/tcdata/hy_round2_testB_20200312', 'testB')
get_data('/tcdata/hy_round1_train_20200102', 'train_chusai') train =
pd.read_csv('train.csv') train['flag'] = 0 train['trn'] = 1 test =
pd.read_csv('testB.csv') test['flag'] = 0 test['trn'] = 0 testA =
pd.read_csv('testA.csv') testA['flag'] = 1 testA['trn'] = 0 train_chusai =
pd.read_csv('train_chusai.csv') train_chusai['flag'] = 1 train_chusai['trn'] =
1 print(time.time() - ttt) train.rename(columns = name_dict, inplace = True)
test.rename(columns = name_dict, inplace = True) testA.rename(columns =
name_dict, inplace = True) train_chusai.rename(columns = name_dict, inplace =
True) df = pd.concat([train, testA, test], axis=0, ignore_index=True) df['x'] =
df['x'] * 100000 - 5630000 df['y'] = df['y'] * 110000 + 2530000 df =
pd.concat([train_chusai, df], axis=0, ignore_index=True) df['time'] =
pd.to_datetime(df['time'].apply(lambda x :'2019-'+ x[:2] + '-' + x[2:4] + ' ' +
x[5:])) df = df.sort_values(['id', 'time']).reset_index(drop=True) df['label']
= df['label'].map(label_dict1) df.loc[df['trn'] == 0, 'label'] = -1
print(time.time() - ttt) df['v_bin'] = pd.qcut(df['v'], 200, duplicates='drop')
df['v_bin'] = df['v_bin'].map(dict(zip(df['v_bin'].unique(),
range(df['v_bin'].nunique())))) for f in ['x', 'y']: df[f + '_bin1'] =
pd.qcut(df[f], 1000, duplicates='drop') df[f + '_bin1'] = df[f +
'_bin1'].map(dict(zip(df[f + '_bin1'].unique(), range(df[f +
'_bin1'].nunique())))) df[f + '_bin2'] = df[f] // 10000 df[f + '_bin1_count'] =
df[f + '_bin1'].map(df[f + '_bin1'].value_counts()) df[f + '_bin2_count'] =
df[f + '_bin2'].map(df[f + '_bin2'].value_counts()) df[f + '_bin1_id_nunique']
= df.groupby(f + '_bin1')['id'].transform('nunique') df[f + '_bin2_id_nunique']
= df.groupby(f + '_bin2')['id'].transform('nunique') for i in [1, 2]:
df['x_y_bin{}'.format(i)] = df['x_bin{}'.format(i)].astype('str') + '_' +
df['y_bin{}'.format(i)].astype('str') df['x_y_bin{}'.format(i)] =
df['x_y_bin{}'.format(i)].map( dict(zip(df['x_y_bin{}'.format(i)].unique(),
range(df['x_y_bin{}'.format(i)].nunique()))) )
df['x_bin{}_y_bin{}_count'.format(i, i)] =
df['x_y_bin{}'.format(i)].map(df['x_y_bin{}'.format(i)].value_counts()) for
stat in ['max', 'min']: df['x_y_{}'.format(stat)] = df['y'] -
df.groupby('x_bin1')['y'].transform(stat) df['y_x_{}'.format(stat)] = df['x'] -
df.groupby('y_bin1')['x'].transform(stat) print(time.time() - ttt) g =
df.groupby('id') for f in ['x', 'y']: df[f + '_prev_diff'] = df[f] -
g[f].shift(1) df[f + '_next_diff'] = df[f] - g[f].shift(-1) df[f +
'_prev_next_diff'] = g[f].shift(1) - g[f].shift(-1) df['dist_move_prev'] =
np.sqrt(np.square(df['x_prev_diff']) + np.square(df['y_prev_diff']))
df['dist_move_next'] = np.sqrt(np.square(df['x_next_diff']) +
np.square(df['y_next_diff'])) df['dist_move_prev_next'] =
np.sqrt(np.square(df['x_prev_next_diff']) + np.square(df['y_prev_next_diff']))
df['dist_move_prev_bin'] = pd.qcut(df['dist_move_prev'], 50, duplicates='drop')
df['dist_move_prev_bin'] = df['dist_move_prev_bin'].map(
range(df['dist_move_prev_bin'].nunique()))) ) print(time.time() - ttt) def
get_loc_list(x): prev = '' res = [] for loc in x: loc = str(loc) if loc !=
prev: res.append(loc) prev = loc return res size = 10 sentence =
df.groupby('id')['x_y_bin1'].agg(get_loc_list).tolist() model =
Word2Vec(sentence, size=size, window=20, min_count=1, sg=1, workers=12,
iter=10) emb = [] for w in df['x_y_bin1'].unique(): vec = [w] try:
vec.extend(model[str(w)]) except: vec.extend(np.ones(size) * -size)
emb.append(vec) emb_df = pd.DataFrame(emb) emb_cols = ['x_y_bin1'] for i in
range(size): emb_cols.append('x_y_bin1_emb_{}'.format(i)) emb_df.columns =
emb_cols print(time.time() - ttt) def start(x): try: return x[0] except: return
None def end(x): try: return x[-1] except: return None def mode(x): try: return
pd.Series(x).value_counts().index[0] except: return None df = df[df['flag'] ==
0].reset_index(drop=True) for f in ['dist_move_prev_bin', 'v_bin']: df[f +
'_sen'] = df['id'].map(df.groupby('id')[f].agg(lambda x:
','.join(x.astype(str)))) g = df.groupby('id').agg({ 'id': ['count'], 'x_bin1':
[mode], 'y_bin1': [mode], 'x_bin2': [mode], 'y_bin2': [mode], 'x_y_bin1':
[mode], 'x': ['mean', 'max', 'min', 'std', np.ptp, start, end], 'y': ['mean',
'max', 'min', 'std', np.ptp, start, end], 'v': ['mean', 'max', 'min', 'std',
np.ptp], 'dir': ['mean'], 'x_bin1_count': ['mean'], 'y_bin1_count': ['mean',
'max', 'min'], 'x_bin2_count': ['mean', 'max', 'min'], 'y_bin2_count': ['mean',
'max', 'min'], 'x_bin1_y_bin1_count': ['mean', 'max', 'min'], 'dist_move_prev':
['mean', 'max', 'std', 'min', 'sum'], 'x_y_min': ['mean', 'min'], 'y_x_min':
['mean', 'min'], 'x_y_max': ['mean', 'min'], 'y_x_max': ['mean', 'min'],
}).reset_index() g.columns = ['_'.join(col).strip() for col in g.columns]
g.rename(columns={'id_': 'id'}, inplace=True) cols = [f for f in g.keys() if f
!= 'id'] print(time.time() - ttt) df = df.drop_duplicates('id')[['id', 'label',
'v_bin_sen']].sort_values('id').reset_index(drop=True) df =
df.sort_values('label').reset_index(drop=True) sub = df[df['label'] ==
-1].reset_index(drop=True)[['id']] test_num = sub.shape[0] labels =
df[df['label'] != -1]['label'].values df = df.merge(g, on='id', how='left')
df[cols] = df[cols].astype('float32') df['dist_total'] =
np.sqrt(np.square(df['x_end'] - df['y_start']) + np.square(df['y_end'] -
df['y_start'])) df['dist_rate'] = df['dist_total'] / (df['dist_move_prev_sum']
+ 1e-8) df = df.merge(emb_df, left_on='x_y_bin1_mode', right_on='x_y_bin1',
how='left') df_values = sparse.csr_matrix(df[cols + emb_cols[1:] +
['dist_total', 'dist_rate']].values) for f in ['dist_move_prev_bin_sen',
'v_bin_sen']: cv = CountVectorizer(min_df=10).fit_transform(df[f].values)
df_values = sparse.hstack((df_values, cv), 'csr') test_values, train_values =
df_values[:test_num], df_values[test_num:] del df, df_values gc.collect()
print(time.time() - ttt) def f1(y_true, y_pred): y_pred =
np.transpose(np.reshape(y_pred, [3, -1])) return 'f1', f1_score(y_true,
np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1), average='macro'), True print(train_values.shape,
test_values.shape) test_pred = np.zeros((test_values.shape[0], 3)) skf =
StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=2020) clf =
LGBMClassifier( learning_rate=0.05, n_estimators=20000, num_leaves=63,
subsample_freq=1, subsample=0.9, colsample_bytree=0.4, min_child_samples=10,
random_state=2020, class_weight='balanced', metric='None' ) for i, (trn_idx,
val_idx) in enumerate(skf.split(train_values, labels)): trn_x, trn_y =
train_values[trn_idx], labels[trn_idx] val_x, val_y = train_values[val_idx],
labels[val_idx] trn_x, trn_y, eval_set=[(val_x, val_y)],
eval_metric=f1, early_stopping_rounds=100, verbose=100 ) test_pred +=
clf.predict_proba(test_values) / skf.n_splits sub['id'] =
sub['id'].astype('int32') sub['label'] = np.argmax(test_pred, axis=1)
sub['label'] = sub['label'].map(label_dict2) sub =
sub.sort_values('id').reset_index(drop=True) sub.to_csv('result.csv',
index=False, header=False)