In some dissatisfied users “ Group ” To the online stock exchange platform Robinhood After negative comments , The app is on Google Play
At one point, the rating of the store dropped to one star . A few days ago , Google confirmed , The company is actively removing Google Play On the shop about Robinhood Negative comments on apps , So that the application rating has been restored to near zero 4
Star .

   A few days ago , Retail investors in the United States “ Blow up ” Short event arouses heated discussion . In a week of speculative retail trading ,Robinhood It's limited on Thursday 13 Only stock trading , Including game station and chain cinema

   subsequently , Some users have replaced their deleted one star comments with new ones , To express their anger .

   Here's how Robinhood stay Play Store Page screenshot , At that time, the app received a one star rating and nearly 100 million yuan 27.5 Ten thousand comments :

   And after Google removed a lot of one star negative comments , display Robinhood Nearly four star rating and about 18 Ten thousand comments .

   Deleting these posts is not within Google's jurisdiction . Google's policy explicitly prohibits comments that deliberately manipulate app ratings , The company said , It has one “ A system that combines human and machine learning , To detect and enforce ratings and reviews that violate policy .”

   Google said , In particular, they took action on those assessed as violating the relevant policies , But the company itself doesn't have the ability to delete comments .

   in addition , Discontented Robinhood Users don't just use comments to express their anger , They also called for class action . How this farce will end is still unknown .
