#include "stdio.h" #include "string.h" #include "windows.h" #define N
49//1 Represents a chess piece , Only black pieces int chess[N+2][N+2];// Define chessboard size int chess0[N+2][N+2];// Auxiliary chessboard void
Initialize();// Initializes a match function void RunGame();// Play the game int Count(int i,int
j);// Count the number of lives around life void Data();// Call the saved game data main() { system("mode con cols=99
lines=50");// Set window size system("color 70");// Set color Initialize();// Initializes a match function
RunGame();// Play the game } void Initialize()// Initializes a match function { Data();// Call the saved game data } void
Data()// Call the saved game data { int p=12; int l; for(l=-16;l<=16;l++)
//if(l!=-8&&l!=0&&l!=4) chess[N/2+1][N/2+1+l]=1; /* // Glider
chess[1][3]=1;chess[2][1]=1;chess[2][3]=1;chess[3][2]=1;chess[3][3]=1; */ /*
// Gospar glider chess[1][p+11]=1;chess[1][p+13]=1; chess[2][p+10]=1;chess[2][p+13]=1;
chess[9][p+17]=1;chess[9][p+18]=1;chess[9][p+28]=1; */ } void RunGame()// Play the game {
int i,j,s=0; int flag=0; while(1) { system("cls");// Clean up the screen , Ready to write
for(i=1;i<N+1;i++) { for(j=1;j<N+1;j++) if(chess[i][j]==1)
printf("█");//printf("■"); else if(chess[i][j]==0) printf(" "); printf("\n"); }
for(i=1;i<N+1;i++) for(j=1;j<N+1;j++) { s=Count(i,j); if(chess[i][j]==1) {
if(s<2) chess0[i][j]=0;// If there is less life around a life than 2 individual , It dies at the end of the turn . else if(s>3)
chess0[i][j]=0;// If there is more life around a life than 3 individual , It dies at the end of the turn . else if(s==2||s==3)
chess0[i][j]=1;// If a life is surrounded by 2 or 3 A life , It stays the same at the end of the turn . } else if(chess[i][j]==0) {
if(s==3) chess0[i][j]=1;// If a dead cell is surrounded by 3 A life , It gains life at the end of the turn . } } for(i=1;i<N+1;i++)
for(j=1;j<N+1;j++) chess[i][j]=chess0[i][j]; Sleep(5); if(flag==0) { getchar();
flag=1; } } } int Count(int i,int j)// Count the life around you { int s=0,a,b;
for(a=-1;a<=1;a++) for(b=-1;b<=1;b++) if(!(a==0&&b==0)&&chess[i+a][j+b]==1)
s++; return s; }
