as everyone knows , Resume “ understand = I've heard of names ; be familiar with = Know what it is ; skilled = Used ; master = Made something ;

Two days ago, a close fan asked me , Why am I a master of Computer Science in Sun Yat sen University , Sending out a resume is like a drowning stone , No one asked him for an interview ? I asked him to send in his resume .

He surprised me when he sent me his resume , good heavens ,10 Technology ,8 individual “ master ”???

Let's take a look at his resume :

Proficient in computer network , data structure , algorithm , Basic knowledge in class such as operating system ;

be familiar with Linux system ;

master Java Basic knowledge ;

master JVM virtual machine (Java Memory area , Virtual machine garbage algorithm , Virtual garbage collector ,JVM memory management )

Proficient in high concurrency , High availability , High performance system development ;

master Spring,Hibernate,Ajax,Mybatis etc. ;

master SSH integration ,SSM integration , SOA framework ;

master Dubbo;

master Zookeeper;

Familiar with common message queuing ;

master MySQL Common optimization methods ;

master Spring Boot +Spring Cloud +Docker:;

Master Hadoop Ecological technology ;

I'm a little embarrassed :“ Is your resume serious ?”

He said :“ It must be , I've used all these techniques .”

I :“ It can't be called proficient . Do you know what mastery is ?”

he :“ I feel like I'm really good at it … I helped the students solve the problems they met .”

I :“ You may have misunderstandings about mastery … I'll ask you MySQL, You know in the MySQL 5.6 in , Are there any optimizations for the index ?”

he :“??? What we use at school is 5.5 ah .”

I :“ All right … Can you tell me B+ Trees and B What's the difference between trees in queries ?”

he :“B+tree Faster ?”

I :“ And? ?”

he :“ It's gone …”

I :“ How dare you write it on your resume “ master ” ah ???”

What do you ask in an interview ?
We all know what to ask Redis, Concurrent programming ,JVM, Source code and so on , It's easy to overlook one point MySQL optimization . For programmers , Interview any company , Database is unavoidable . Developers have a good understanding of MySQL The deeper you master , The more you can do .

Complete business functions , Understand the basics Sql sentence .

Performance optimization , Understand the index , Understand the engine .

Make sub database and sub table , Master and slave , Understand the separation of reading and writing .

Be safe , Understand authority , Understand backup , Understand the Journal .

Cloud database , To understand the source code , Understanding bottlenecks . Many students , Asked sql optimization , Open mouth is index , Implementation plan , Sub table and sub database , This is a bit of a fuss . You need to know which areas need to be optimized first ?
Optimization is about finding the slowest place to run , It's done ; Put the slowest sql Statement found , It's done ! How to find the slowest sql sentence ? You can start with the slow query log . Many programmers have not done database tuning , perhaps sql tuning . If you don't know MySQL, You can't get into a big company , You can't eat a small company if you go in .


MySQL Query process

Ali and other big factories attach great importance to the bottom knowledge , In order to let you master it “ master ”MySQL optimization , I purposely put myself in these years MySQL We've sorted it out ( Learning notes and interview topics )




Big factories must ask -- Index bottom detail

1, What is the nature of index ?

2,MySQL What data structures are used for indexes in ?

3, Index usage B+Tree Data structure of , How to store on disk ?

4, How to pass discreteness , Leftmost match , Analysis of excellent indexes based on the principles of table return ?

How to consider the whole MySQL performance optimization ?

1, What is? MySQL Slow query ?

2, What do we need to see to implement the plan ? How to combine with principle to understand

3, Practical demonstration : How to optimize the system SQL Execution speed of

After that , What are you going to get ?

1, various MySQL Optimization skills and practical experience

Make you more efficient in daily work , Pay doubled easily during interview

2,MySQL Optimization techniques and 2020 year Java The latest and complete interview questions for large factories






How to get all the notes mentioned above : Sanlian + private letter 666 that will do !
