C String formatting

sscanf() Used to format strings

And scanf() similar , but scanf() Keyboard as input , but sscanf() Fixed string as input source
int sscanf(char *buffer, const char *format, [argument]...);  //
format: One or more {%[*] [width] [{h | I | I64 | L}]type | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | wrong % Symbol }
 // * Indicates that the data is skipped and not read in , as (%*d,%*s) Do not read integers , Do not read string  // {a|b|c}
express a,b,c Choose one ,[d] Do you have any d Fine  // width Represents the width of the read  // type express %s,%d And so on  // %*[width] [{h
| l | I64 | L}]type Indicates that those meeting the condition are filtered out , The value is not written to the target parameter
sprintf() And snprintf()

Writes formatted data to a string ,snprintf() More secure
int sprintf( char *buffer, const char *format, [argument]...);  int
snprintf(char *buffer, size_t size, const char *format, [argument] ...);   //
buffer:char Type pointer , The buffer that points to the string to be written .   // size: Represents the current buffer Maximum capacity of   // format: format string .  
// [argument]...: Optional parameters , It can be any type of data .   // Return value : String length (strlen)
C++ String formatting

stringstream flow
stringstream ss;  string a;  ss.setf(); // Set some properties  ss << setprecision(15) <<
a; // Set the number of bits to read , And will a Save to data stream  string str;  ss >> str; // Save data output from the stream to str in  ​  int
num;  ss << num; // Convert the data in the stream to integer and save it in num in  ​  // note: stringstream
When parsing objects , It is separated by a space and a return key , If you want to use other characters as separators , Need to use getline() function
stringstream Read multiple rows of data
ifstream fin(path, std::ios::in); // File stream  while (!fin.eof()) {      string
tmp;      getline(fin, tmp); // Read a line and put it in tmp in  }  ​  stringstream ss(str); //
Create content as str Character stream for  string c;  while (getline(ss, c, ',')) { // Read from the input stream to , Split the string and save it c in
     cout << c << endl;  }
