Many have been doing it for years C++ Programmers are confident that this programming language is familiar , But when I did a thorough clean-up of the language, I found out , There is a new grammar , The worst thing is that a lot of the previous routines may not be right . So many programmers left a lot of wonderful words

You'll find that when you put C++ I'm familiar with it , Learn another language , It's so cool .

It's hard for you because you know her well , At last, I don't know why I'm so angry .

c++ The biggest drawback is that you spend a lot of time learning the grammar of the language , Not the problem itself

When I learn C++ I'll go home and get married

The world is cruel , So you can't blame it C++ It shows you the nature of the world

It's hard to find out when you reach the top , It turns out that there are higher mountains ahead , Waiting for you to continue climbing .

Actually, as a developer , It is very important to have a learning atmosphere and a communication circle. I recommend one here C language C++ Communication group 583650410, No matter you are Xiaobai or Daniel, welcome to settle in , Let's communicate and grow together .

Of course, a lot of programmers laugh at themselves a little bit more , however C++ Is it true that many heroes , Let a lot of them in the deep can not extricate themselves, but not willing to leave .

Why? C++ It's so hard to learn ?

1.C++ The design concept itself wants to be overcome by various rules C There are some errors in the running process because of the unclear grammar rules in the language , This is bad luck for beginners , Many beginners will find compiling too hard when they learn generic programming , A lot of rules and regulations are dead , We must follow the rules of grammar to go on , And in terms of grammatical details , There are so many scattered details to master , Some programmers have been doing this for years, and for some C++ Grammar rules still feel strange .

C++ The speed of language update is also quite amazing , The language itself is still evolving , In fact, we are still learning one, and we are still upgrading to the programming language , And it will happen , After you have mastered some grammatical details , When new updates are found , All the previous ones have been discarded .

Actually, as a developer , It is very important to have a learning atmosphere and a communication circle. I recommend one here C language C++ Communication group 583650410, No matter you are Xiaobai or Daniel, welcome to settle in , Let's communicate and grow together .

3.C++ You can also manipulate pointers , The pointer itself is already very complex , Plus generic programming , The whole scene is more lively , The pursuit of the ultimate performance , Also want programming mode flexibility , The burden is extremely heavy , So many people are finishing their studies C++ after , Learn again C Language can feel extremely relaxed , Suddenly there was a sense of resolution , A lot C++ Grammar learning is not about how you use it , It's more about telling you not to use it , This is the worst , I learned a lot of grammar and found that I couldn't use it immediately , It also needs to be used in special scenarios , For the vast majority of the programming language has not been familiar with before , It's a kind of mental torture .

But there is one thing that can't be denied ,C++ It's a favorite of many architects , It's also a favorite of many Programming Gurus , I remember ten years ago in the forum of a famous programming website , especially C++ There are many in the forum C++ The big guy guides the country , A lot of Xiaobai has been busy with the code for a long time , Let the big guy get rid of a few words , In the real grasp of this programming language , And deeply grasp its internal rules , It's very comfortable to use , As if before all the haze swept away .

Many famous software frameworks can be seen now C++ The shadow of , It's very simple , In the process of object-oriented framework design, the first choice is not to affect the efficiency C++, Now we use a lot of Android phone framework layer code is C++, There are almost all the browser kernel codes that we use every day C++, In many areas C++ It has incomparable advantages , Learned will understand why this language belongs to the king of programming language , Why do so many people not have to be brave enough to continue learning , so to speak C++ Is a gnawing the most tasteful programming language , Pain and happiness .
