Due to the use of vscode to configure c++ The environment always fails , So prepare to uninstall and reconfigure

Find it from the control panel vscode Uninstall it .

At this point, only the application software is deleted , If you download the plug-ins and personal configuration before installation, they will be reloaded , All need to completely remove the plug-in and personal configuration

Remove installation plug-in

Method 1

Find it in the diagram path .vscode folder , Delete it , The installed plug-ins can be completely removed

Method 2
If the folder cannot be found in the diagram path , The following methods can be used
win+R input %userprofile%

Delete the .vscode folder

Delete user information and cache information

Method 1

Under the diagram path , delete Code and Visual Studio Code folder , The user information and cache information can be completely deleted

If you can't find it AppData folder , It should be hidden , sure

* Click in the folder see Check Show hidden files and folders You can find it
* perhaps win+S Search folder Explorer options , Check Show hidden files that will do
Method 2
win+R input %appdata%

Delete the Code and Visual Studio Code Folder

thus , All plug-ins and personal information are deleted , Re install the software !
