

Here we mainly use Redis Of setnx To handle high concurrency .

setnx There are two parameters . The first parameter represents the key . The second parameter represents the value . If the current key does not exist , The current key is inserted , Take the second parameter as the value . return 1. If the current key exists , Then it will return 0.

Create inventory table
CREATE TABLE `storage` (   `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `number` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Set initial inventory to 10

Create order table
CREATE TABLE `order` (   `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `number` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,   PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

When testing without locks
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=test', 'root', 'root');
$sql="select `number` from  storage where id=1 limit 1";
$res = $pdo->query($sql)->fetch(); $number = $res['number']; if($number>0) {
    $sql ="insert into `order`  VALUES (null,$number)";
    $order_id = $pdo->query($sql);     if($order_id)     {
        $sql="update storage set `number`=`number`-1 WHERE id=1";
        $pdo->query($sql);     } }

ab Test simulation concurrency , The inventory was found to be correct .
mysql> select * from storage; +----+--------+ | id | number | +----+--------+
|  1 |      0 | +----+--------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Looking at the order form
mysql> select * from `order`; +----+--------+ | id | number | +----+--------+
|  1 |     10 | |  2 |     10 | |  3 |      9 | |  4 |      7 | |  5 |      6 |
|  6 |      5 | |  7 |      5 | |  8 |      5 | |  9 |      4 | | 10 |      1 |
+----+--------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)
It is found that there are several orders with the same inventory data , This may lead to oversold .

Modify code to add redis Lock for data control
<?php /**  * Created by PhpStorm.  * User: daisc  * Date: 2018/7/23
 * Time: 14:45  */ class Lock {     private static $_instance ;
    private   $_redis;     private function __construct()     {
        $this->_redis =  new Redis();
        $this->_redis ->connect('');     }
    public static function getInstance()     {
        if(self::$_instance instanceof self)         {
            return self::$_instance;         }
        return self::$_instance = new  self();     }     /**
     * @function  Lock      * @param $key  Lock name      * @param $expTime  Expiration time       */
    public function set($key,$expTime)     {         // Preliminary locking
        $isLock = $this->_redis->setnx($key,time()+$expTime);
        if($isLock)         {             return true;         }         else
        {             // In case of lock failure . Determine whether the lock already exists , If the lock exists, it has expired , Then delete the lock . Re lock
            $val = $this->_redis->get($key);             if($val&&$val<time())
            {                 $this->del($key);             }
            return  $this->_redis->setnx($key,time()+$expTime);         }     }
    /**      * @param $key  Unlock      */     public function del($key)     {
        $this->_redis->del($key);     } }
$pdo = new PDO('mysql:host=;dbname=test', 'root', 'root');
$lockObj = Lock::getInstance(); // The judgment is that it can lock successfully
if($lock = $lockObj->set('storage',10)) {
    $sql="select `number` from  storage where id=1 limit 1";
    $res = $pdo->query($sql)->fetch();     $number = $res['number'];
    if($number>0)     {
        $sql ="insert into `order`  VALUES (null,$number)";
        $order_id = $pdo->query($sql);         if($order_id)         {
            $sql="update storage set `number`=`number`-1 WHERE id=1";
            $pdo->query($sql);         }     }     // Unlock
    $lockObj->del('storage'); } else {     // Locking failed to perform other operations . }

Again ab test , View test results
mysql> select * from `order`; +----+--------+ | id | number | +----+--------+
|  1 |     10 | |  2 |      9 | |  3 |      8 | |  4 |      7 | |  5 |      6 |
|  6 |      5 | |  7 |      4 | |  8 |      3 | |  9 |      2 | | 10 |      1 |
+----+--------+ 10 rows in set (0.00 sec)

It is found that the order table does not operate on the same inventory data . So use it redis Locks can effectively handle high concurrency .

When locking here, you don't need to judge the expiration time , In order to avoid a deadlock here , So add an expiration time judgment . Delete the lock when it is expired .
