<>顺序表的插入操作 (10 分)
int ListInsert(SqList &L,int i,ElemType e);
typedef struct{ ElemType *elem; int length; }SqList;
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define MAXSIZE 5 typedef int ElemType;
typedef struct{ ElemType *elem; int length; }SqList; void InitList(SqList
&L);/*细节在此不表*/ int ListInsert(SqList &L,int i,ElemType e); int main() { SqList
L; InitList(L); ElemType e; int i; scanf("%d%d",&i,&e); int
result=ListInsert(L,i,e); if(result==0){ printf("Insertion Error.The value of i
is unlawful or the storage space is full!"); }else if(result==1){
printf("Insertion Success.The elements of the SequenceList L are:"); for(int
j=0;j<L.length;j++){ printf(" %d",L.elem[j]); } } return 0; } /* 请在这里填写答案 */
2 6 4 -1 2 100
Insertion Success.The elements of the SequenceList L are: 2 100 6 4
int ListInsert(SqList &L, int i, ElemType e) { if (i >= 0 && i <= L.length+1
&& (L.length + 1) <= MAXSIZE) { for (int j = L.length-1; j >= i - 1; j--)
L.elem[j + 1] = L.elem[j]; L.elem[i - 1] = e; L.length++; return 1; } return 0;
在第一个if的判断语句中,应是 i <= L.length+1,做题的时候写的是 i <= L.length,所以导致一个测试点一直错。