1、Yahoo 数据集介绍
以yahoo 为例:
@attribute为列名内容,@attribute Label26 {0,1}表示,列名为Label26
@data 为数据内容,{8 1,11 1,....} 表示第8列,取值为1。每一对{}之间的数据,描述一个对象。
could not convert string to float: '{8 1',可采用下述代码替代处理。
import numpy as np import pandas as pd def parse_row(line, len_row): line =
line.replace('{', '').replace('}', '') row = np.zeros(len_row) for data in
line.split(','): index, value = data.split() row[int(index)] = float(value)
return row def read_data_arff(filename): # Step 1. Read data by row. with
open(filename, 'r') as fp: file_content = fp.readlines() # Step 2. Get the
columns. columns = [] len_attr = len('@attribute') for line in file_content: if
line.startswith('@attribute '): col_name = line[len_attr:].split()[0]
columns.append(col_name) # Step 3. Get the rows. rows = [] len_row =
len(columns) for line in file_content: if line.startswith('{'):
rows.append(parse_row(line, len_row)) # Step 4. Return the results. df =
pd.DataFrame(data=rows, columns=columns) return df