<select id="getEmpByConditionOne" resultType="Emp"> <!-- 添加恒成立条件确保sql语句不会出错
--> select * from t_emp where 1=1 <if test="empName!=null and empName!=''">
emp_name=#{empName} </if> <if test="age!=null and age!=''"> and age=#{age}
</if> <if test="sex!=null and sex!=''"> and sex=#{sex} </if> <if
test="email!=null and email!=''"> and email=#{email} </if> </select>
* 当where标签中有内容,会自动生成where关键字,并且将内容前多余的and或or去掉
* 当where标签中没有内容,where标签没有任何效果
* 注:where标签不能将and或or放在内容之后。
<select id="getEmpByConditionTwo" resultType="Emp"> select * from t_emp
<where> <if test="empName!=null and empName!=''"> emp_name=#{empName} </if> <if
test="age!=null and age!=''"> and age=#{age} </if> <if test="sex!=null and
sex!=''"> and sex=#{sex} </if> <if test="email!=null and email!=''"> and
email=#{email} </if> </where> </select>
* 有内容:
* prefix|suffix:将trim标签中内容前面或后面添加指定内容
* suffixOverrides|prefixOverrides:将trim标签中内容前面或后面去掉指定内容
* 无内容: trim标签无效果
<select id="getEmpByCondition" resultType="Emp"> select <include
refid="empColumns"></include> from t_emp <trim prefix="where"
suffixOverrides="and|or"> <if test="empName!=null and empName!=''">
emp_name=#{empName} and </if> <if test="age!=null and age!=''"> age=#{age} or
</if> <if test="sex!=null and sex!=''"> sex=#{sex}and </if> <if
test="email!=null and email!=''"> email=#{email} </if> </trim> </select>
4.choose,when,otherwise 相当于if...else if...else
* when至少一个,otherwise(else)最多一个
<select id="getEmpByChoose" resultType="Emp"> select * from t_emp <where>
<choose> <when test="empName !=null and empName!=''"> emp_name=#{empName}
</when> <when test="age !=null and age!=''"> age=#{age} </when> <when test="sex
!=null and sex!=''"> sex=#{sex} </when> <when test="email !=null and
email!=''"> email=#{email} </when> <otherwise> did=1 </otherwise> </choose>
</where> </select>
<foreach collection="eids"(当前需要循环的数组或集合 ) item="eid"
( 数组或集合中的每一个元素 ) separator="," (分隔符(每一次循环体中的分隔 ))
open="(" close=")" (标签所循环所有的内容)
5.1 用in查询
<delete id="deleteMoreByArrayOne"> delete from t_emp where eid in <!--遍历
需要对整体加括号或者在open和close中加 在in中不需要添加等于条件--> <foreach collection="eids" item="eid"
separator="," open="(" close=")"> #{eid} </foreach> </delete>
<delete id="deleteMoreByArray"> delete from t_emp where <foreach
collection="eids" item="eid" separator="or"> eid=#{eid} </foreach> </delete>
<insert id="insertMoreByArray"> insert into t_emp values <foreach
collection="emps" item="emp" separator=",">
(null,#{emp.empName},#{emp.age},#{emp.sex},#{emp.em ail},null) </foreach>
* 设置SQL片段 <sql id="empColumns">eid,sex,email</sql>
* 引用SQL片段 select <include refid="empColumns"></include> from t_emp