import numpy as np import nibabel as nib from ipywidgets import interact,
interactive, IntSlider, ToggleButtons import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %
matplotlib inlineimport seaborn as sns sns.set_style('darkgrid')
image_path1 = "case0001_img.nii" image_obj1 = nib.load(image_path1) print(
f'Type of the image{type(image_obj1)}')
Type of the image <class ‘nibabel.nifti1.Nifti1Image’>
image_data1 = image_obj1.get_fdata() type(image_data1)
height1, width1, depth1 = image_data1.shape print(f"The image object height: {
height1}, width:{width1}, depth:{depth1}")
The image object height: 512, width:512, depth:24
print(f'image value range: [{image_data1.min()}, {image_data1.max()}]') print(
image_obj1.header.keys()) pixdim1 = image_obj1.header['pixdim'] print(f'z轴分辨率: {
pixdim1[3]}') print(f'in plane 分辨率: {pixdim1[1]} * {pixdim1[2]}')
这里的12指的就是第三维度为12 的
plt.imshow(image_data1[:, :, 12], cmap='gray') plt.axis('off');