This Section imports the necessary classes from the PyPDF2 libraryfrom PyPDF2
import PdfFileReader, PdfFileWriter
from PyPDF2.pdf import ContentStream
from PyPDF2.generic import TextStringObject, NameObject
from PyPDF2.utils import b_
>The watermark says SAMPLE on it so I've tried different capitalization cases
wm_text = 'Sample'
replace_with = ''
>I'm hoping to just replace the SAMPLE watermark with nothing so a space could
> Load PDF into pyPDF
source = PdfFileReader(open('input.pdf', "rb"))
output = PdfFileWriter()
> For each page
for page in range(source.getNumPages()):
# Get the current page and it's contents
page = source.getPage(page)
content_object = page["/Contents"].getObject()
content = ContentStream(content_object, source)
> Loop over all pdf elements
for operands, operator in content.operations:Was told to adapt this part
dependent on my PDF file
Set the modified content as content object on the
pagepage.__setitem__(NameObject('/Contents'), content)Add the page to the